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dc.contributor.authorALLWRIGHT, SHANE PATRICIA ANNen
dc.identifier.citationGera E. Nagelhout, Ute Mons, Shane Allwright, Romain Guignard, Francois Beck, Geoffrey T. Fong, Hein de Vries, Marc C. Willemsen, Prevalence and predictors of smoking in "smoke-free" bars. Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Europe Surveys, Social Science & Medicine, 72, 10, 2011, 1643 - 1651en
dc.description.abstractNational level smoke-free legislation is implemented to protect the public from exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke (SHS). The first aim of this study was to investigate how successful the smoke-free hospitality industry legislation in Ireland (March 2004), France (January 2008), the Netherlands (July 2008), and Germany (between August 2007 and July 2008) was in reducing smoking in bars. The second aim was to assess individual smokers? predictors of smoking in bars post-ban. The third aim was to examine country differences in predictors and the fourth aim was to examine differences between educational levels (as an indicator of socioeconomic status). This study used nationally representative samples of 3,147 adult smokers from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Europe Surveys who were surveyed pre- and post-ban. The results reveal that while the partial smoke-free legislation in the Netherlands and Germany was effective in reducing smoking in bars (from 88% to 34% and from 87% to 44% respectively), the effectiveness was much lower than the comprehensive legislation in Ireland and France which almost completely eliminated smoking in bars (from 97% to 3% and from 84% to 3% respectively). Smokers who were more supportive of the ban, were more aware of the harm of SHS, and who had negative opinions of smoking were less likely to smoke in bars post-ban. Support for the ban was a stronger predictor in Germany. SHS harm awareness was a stronger predictor among less educated smokers in the Netherlands and Germany. The results indicate the need for strong comprehensive smoke-free legislation without exceptions. This should be accompanied by educational campaigns in which the public health rationale for the legislation is clearly explained. Keywords: Ireland; France; Netherlands; Germany; smoking; public policy; health promotion; socioeconomic status; second-hand smokeen
dc.description.sponsorshipThe ITC Europe surveys were supported by grants from U.S. National Cancer Institute R01 CA090955 (Ireland wave 1 and 2), Institut National de Prevention et d?Education pour la Sante (INPES), Institut National du Cancer (INCa) (France wave 1 and 2), the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) (the Netherlands wave 1, 2 and 3), German Ministry of Health, Dieter Mennekes-Umweltstiftung, Germany Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) (Germany wave 1 and 2), Glaxo Smith Kline #3516601 (Ireland wave 1), and Pfizer (Ireland wave 2). Ute Mons is financially supported by the Klaus Tschira Foundation gGmbH. Jean-Louis Wilquin and Martina Potschke-Langer have contributed to the writing of the paper. Lorraine Craig, Ruth Loewen, Mary Thompson, Christian Boudreau, and other members of the ITC Project team have contributed with project management, survey development, and data cleaning.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSocial Science & Medicineen
dc.subjectPublic Healthen
dc.titlePrevalence and predictors of smoking in "smoke-free" bars. Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Europe Surveysen
dc.typeJournal Articleen

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