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dc.contributor.authorCunningham, Padraig
dc.contributor.authorSmyth, Barry
dc.contributor.authorVeale, Tony
dc.identifier.citationCunningham, Padraig; Smyth, Barry; Veale, Tony. 'On the Limitations of Memory Based Reasoning'. - Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, TCD-CS-94-12, 1994, pp7en
dc.descriptionAlso in Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, Chantilly, France.en
dc.description.abstractMemory-Based Reasoning (MBR) represents a radical new departure in AI research. Whereas work in symbolic AI is based on inference and knowledge representation MBR depends on using a large memory of examples as a reasoning base. The MBR methodology is empirical so a typical system does not contain an explicit domain model. This means that MBR systems are quick to set up so the methodology shows considerable promise for knowledge based systems development. Indeed some impressive full scale systems have been demonstrated. In this paper we argue that despite this initial success there are considerable limitations to what can be achieved with MBR. We believe that the absence of a domain model means that MBR will not succeed in complex applications. We illustrate problems in natural language processing and planning that will require access to domain theories in their solution. Our conclusion is that the memory oriented philosophy of MBR has advantages but, for truly intelligent systems, this philosophy is better realised in the CBR paradigm where it can be integrated with a strong domain theory.en
dc.format.extent27825 bytes
dc.publisherTrinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Scienceen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesComputer Science Technical Reporten
dc.subjectComputer Scienceen
dc.titleOn the Limitations of Memory Based Reasoningen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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