Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • The effect of observable party cohesion on voter choice in liberal democracies 

      BARRETT, DAVID JACK (Trinity College Dublin. School of Social Sciences & Philosophy. Discipline of Political Science, 2018)
      The goal of this thesis is to assess the electoral impact of party infighting. It addresses the key research question of what is the impact of party infighting on the electoral fortunes of that party. In answering this ...
    • Ireland: Something for almost everyone 

      Marsh, Michael (Luiss University Press, 2019)
    • The Irish Dail Election 2007 

      SUITER, JANE (Irish Political Studies, 2007)
      The Irish Republic Dail election held on 24 May 2007 was considered to be the most exciting in a generation or more. The early part of the campaign was dominated by questions relating to Taoiseach Bertie Ahern?s personal ...
    • The parliamentary election in Ireland, February 2011 

      The three-party coalition government formed in 2007 between Fianna Fail, the Green Party and the Progressive Democrats appeared to have a bulletproof majority, and there was every reason to expect that, like its two immediate ...
    • The unfaithful Irish voter 

      Marsh, Michael (2019)
      Local and European elections have been held simultaneously since 1999. These offer an interesting context to look at the importance of party, both across each pair of elections and across these elections and future voting ...