Recent Submissions

  • The influence of domestic and international interest rates on the ISEQ 

    Bredin, Don; Gavin, Caroline; O'Reilly, Gerard (Economic & Social Studies, Dublin, 2003)
    We investigate the influence of international and domestic monetary policy shocks on the Irish stock market. Specifically, we analyse the impact of (un)expected changes in domestic, US, UK and German/euro area policy rates ...
  • The effect of attendance on grade for first year economics students in University College Cork 

    Kirby, Ann; McElroy, Brendan (Economic & Social Studies, Dublin, 2003)
    This paper examines the relationship between attendance and grade, controlling for other factors, in first year economics courses in University College Cork. Determinants of both class attendance and grade are specified ...
  • Direct measures of time preference 

    Ventura, Luigi (Economic & Social Studies, Dublin, 2003)
    This work constitutes an attempt to estimate time preference factors in a direct way from survey data, without relying on consumption data and on particular estimation techniques. By using microeconomic data obtained from ...
  • Contraception and the Celtic Tiger 

    Bloom, David E.; Canning, David (Economic & Social Studies, Dublin, 2003)
    New cross-country evidence for 1965 to 1995 is presented on the link that runs from population change to economic growth. The estimates indicate that demographic change is a powerful determinant of income growth, operating ...
  • The art of gracefully exiting a peg 

    Asici, Ahmet; Wyplosz, Charles (Economic & Social Studies, Dublin, 2003)
    The wave of liberalisation of capital movements, which swept Europe in the 1980s and the emerging market countries in the 1990s, has given rise to the two-corner strategy. This strategy, expounded e.g. by Eichengreen (1994) ...

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