Now showing items 331-350 of 390

    • Sparse coding of birdsong and receptive field structure in songbirds 

      Auditory neurons can be characterized by a spectro-temporal receptive field, the kernel of a linear filter model describing the neuronal response to a stimulus. With a view to better understanding the tuning properties ...
    • The sparse decomposition of sound in the time domain using non-negative quadratic programming. 

      Non-negative matrix deconvolution and sparse decomposition are useful tools for source separation and acoustic object recognition. Here, a new algorithm for calculating a sparse decomposition of sound in the time domain ...
    • Spectral functions from lattice QCD at finite temperature 

      Harris, Tim (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2015)
      An investigation of the bottonionium spectrum above and below the QCD deconfinement crossover temperature, Tc, was performed using a non-relativistic treatment of the heavy quark on anisotropic lattices with Nf = 2 + 1 ...
    • Spectroscopy and scattering of mesons containing charm quarks from lattice QCD 

      Moir, Graham (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2013)
      We present excited spectra of mesons containing charm-light (D), charm-strange (Ds) and charm-charm (charmoninm) combinations. We perform these spectroscopic calculations on two volumes. 16(3) X 128 and 24(3) x 128, of ...
    • Spectroscopy of Bs and Ds mesons 

      RYAN, SINEAD MARIE (Elsevier, 1998)
      We study Bs and Ds spectroscopy in quenched lattice QCD using the Fermilab approach to heavy quarks. We obtain results at four lattice spacings, a, using O(a)-improved Wilson quarks. We compare and contrast the various ...
    • Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons from lattice QCD 

      We present the ground and excited state spectra of doubly charmed baryons from lattice QCD with dynamical quark fields. Calculations are performed on anisotropic lattices of size 163×128, with inverse spacing in temporal ...
    • The spectrum of charmed mesons from dynamical anisotropic lattices 

      We present our preliminary analysis for the chamonium and Ds spectra obtained from Nf = 2 dynamical anisotropic lattices. We use 123?80 lattices with lattice spacing at = 7.35 GeV?1 and anisotropy of six. Meson correlators ...
    • Spike train analysis 

      Cooney, Cathal (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2015)
      This thesis focuses on the study of spike trains, the information carrying signals conveyed by neurons in the nervous system. Spiking data from songbirds from [Narayan et al., 2006] was used prominently in this thesis. ...
    • Spinning strings in AdS(5) x S**5 and integrable systems 

      FROLOV, SERGEY (Elsevier, 2003)
      We show that solitonic solutions of the classical string action on the AdS5 ? S5 background that carry charges (spins) of the Cartan subalgebra of the global symmetry group can be classified in terms of periodic solutions ...
    • Stability of QED 

      FRY, MICHAEL PHILIP (2011)
      It is shown for a class of random, time-independent, square-integrable, three-dimensional magnetic fields that the one-loop effective fermion action of four-dimensional QED increases faster than a quadratic in B in the ...
    • Static Gauge and Energy Spectrum of Single-mode Strings in AdS_5xS^5 

      FROLOV, SERGEY (2013)
      Motivated by the notorious di culties in determining the rst quantum corrections to the spectrum of short strings in AdS 5 S 5 from rst principles, we study closed bosonic strings in this background employing a ...
    • Static-light hadrons on a dynamical anisotropic lattice 

      We present preliminary results for the static-light meson and baryon spectra for Nf = 2 QCD. The study is performed on an anisotropic lattice and uses a new all-to-all propagator method allowing us to determine particle ...
    • Static-light matrix elements on a dynamical antisotropic lattice 

      The static-light matrix element needed to determine fB is studied on an anisotropic lattice with Nf = 2. The improvement in precision due to stout links and all-to-all propagators is investigated.
    • Static-light-light baryons : a spectroscopic study using distillation 

      Mc Elroy, Finnian (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2013)
      Over the last decade, hadron spectroscopy in lattice QCD has graduated from calculating single rows of the quark propagation matrix to calculating all elements of the quark propagation matrix - the so-called all-to-all ...
    • String breaking by light and strange quarks in QCD 

      Peardon, Michael (Elsevier, 2019)
      The energy spectrum of a system containing a static quark anti-quark pair is computed for a wide range of source separations using lattice QCD with Nf=2+1 dynamical flavours. By employing a variational method with a basis ...
    • String breaking from Lattice QCD with Nf=2+1 dynamical fermions 

      KOCH, VANESSA (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2019)
      In quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the static potential V (r) is defined as the energy of the ground state of the system containing a static quark and a static antiquark, separated by a distance r. As a consequence of confinement, ...
    • String breaking with 2+1 dynamical fermions using the stochastic LapH-method 

      Peardon, Michael (2018)
      The static potential V(r) between a static quark and a static antiquark separated by a distance r is defined as the energy of the ground state of the system. As a consequence of confinement, the energy between the ...