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  • Recommender Systems: A Study of Cold-Start and Attack Resilience 

    Shams, Sulthana (Trinity College Dublin. School of Computer Science & Statistics. Discipline of Computer Science, 2024)
    My thesis focuses on two key challenges in Recommender System: the Cold Start Problem and Data Poisoning attacks within the user-clustering framework. We explored utilizing user clustering to address the Cold Start Problem, ...
  • Revisiting Contextual Recommendation from an Information Retrieval Standpoint 

    Chakraborty, Anirban (Trinity College Dublin. School of Computer Science & Statistics. Discipline of Computer Science, 2021)
    The challenge of providing personalized and contextually appropriate recommendations to a user is faced in a range of use-cases, e.g. recommendations for movies, places to visit, articles to read etc. In this thesis, we ...