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Il fascismo, la Grande Guerra e i monumenti ai caduti
(2017)L’ossario di Redipuglia in Friuli raccoglie le salme di oltre centomila soldati italiani che caddero combattendo al fronte (Dogliani 1996; Fabi 2002; Fiore 2003; Nicoloso 2012, 94–7). È il più grande luogo di sepoltura ... -
Marcello Piacentini: A case of controversial heritage
(2018)As the most prominent architect and urban designer of Italy’s fascist regime, Marcello Piacentini (1881–1960) left an indelible mark on numerous cities across Italy. Nonetheless, his reception has been marred by controversy. ... -
Modelling Android applications through static analysis and systematic exploratory testing
(IEEE, 2023)Mobile application development is a fast paced industry with frequent releases. While the development pace increases, so too does the need for automated test generation. Model-based test generation is one of the most ... -
4-octyl itaconate and itaconate in the regulation of type I interferon in macrophages
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Biochemistry & Immunology. Discipline of Biochemistry, 2025)Itaconate is an endogenous immunomodulatory metabolite produced by the enzyme aconitate decarboxylase 1 (ACOD1), a product of the gene immune-responsive gene 1 (Irg1). Itaconate is the most highly upregulated metabolite ... -
Governance Mechanisms and Corporate Green Bond Issuances
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Business. Discipline of Business & Administrative Studies, 2025)To reorient economies towards climate-resilient trajectories compatible with the goal of the Paris Agreement to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius, vast amounts of capital are needed to be ...