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Content comparison of unmet needs self-report measures for lymphoma cancer survivors: A systematic review
(2023)Purpose: The increasing recognition of the complex impacts of a cancer diagnosis and its treatment has led to efforts to develop instruments to reflect survivors' needs accurately. However, evidence regarding the content ... -
Inner-group and inter-group relations in Seoul participatory planning: revisiting the concept of social capital
(2023)This paper explores the composition of social relations in Korean community-led regeneration planning. Power dynamics among participants are understood as an important factor in shaping decision-making planning processes. ... -
Imagining diversity in Seoul: Gender and immigrant identities
(2022)While immigrant studies focus on the role of local-level migration and integration policies to respond to the immigrant groups in their areas, the research on how urban policies mediate the social inequality which ethnic ... -
An Efficient Method for Calculating Hysteretic Dry Friction Response of Dynamic Systems Subjected to Combined Harmonic and Random Excitation
(2024)Many examples of dynamic analysis require modelling of dry friction. Often this is represented by a so-called Jenkins element or multiple Jenkins elements in parallel, which is sometimes termed a parallel-series Iwan ... -
“Little Guests” Transnational “Humanitarian Hospitality” and Children’s Lives in the Aftermath of the Second World War
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Histories & Humanities. Discipline of History, 2024)In the dying days and immediate aftermath of the Second World War, thousands of children criss-crossed Europe for the purposes of rest and recuperation. This thesis examines the welcome of children in Britain and Ireland, ...