Now showing items 1-5 of 20

  • Report of the council read at the opening of the seventh session 

    Unknown author (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
    We now enter on the commencement of a new session, and it may not be uninteresting to the members of our society to take a brief survey of the labours of the past.
  • Statistics of poor relief in England and Wales for the year 1851 compiled from the fourth annual report of the Poor Law Board 

    Cheshire, Edward (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
    The expenditure for the relief of the poor in England and Wales during the year ended Lady-day, 1851, amounted to #4,962,704, being a decrease of #432,318, or 8 per cent, as compared with the expenditure of the preceding ...
  • On the best means of raising the supplies for a war expenditure 

    Cairnes, John E. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
    The question respecting the raising of the supplies for a war expenditure, by what means they can be most efficiently obtained, and with the least inconvenience to the community, has been of late years allowed to fall ...
  • On the agricultural statistics of Ireland 

    Lawson, James A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
    Here is a vast mass of information, and it is surely worth while to endeavour to elicit the truths contained in it; and while this remains to be done, none of us need complain of a deficiency of materials for valuable ...
  • On the importance of reformatory establishments for juvenile delinquents 

    Pim, William Harvey (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
    The treatment of the juvenile portion of the destitute and criminal classes appears to be one of the most pressing social questions of the day?one in which our national prosperity and individual welfare are both intimately ...