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Now showing items 1-20 of 20

  • The abolition of slavery considered with reference to the state of the West Indies since emancipation 

    Hancock, W. Neilson (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
    The decision of the moral question in favour of the abolition of Slavery, renders it necessary to adopt measures to carry that decision into effect; and, in thus carrying out the principle of abolition, it becomes ...
  • Celtic migrations 

    Heron, Denis Caulfield (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
    It may be observed that the Celtic races have ever been remarkable for sudden migrations. We do not find them well known to the early historians. Herodotus places them in the extreme West of Europe, beyond the pillars ...
  • An inquiry into the progress and condition of mechanics' and literary institutions, part II 

    Leslie, T.E. Cliffe (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
    The former paper advocated the establishment of Institutions of a class which does not exist; the present treats of a class which not only exists, but is a very remarkable feature of the age. The facts connected with ...
  • An inquiry into the progress and present condition of mechanics' institutions. Part I 

    Leslie, T.E. Cliffe (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
    The formation and development of Mechanics' Institutions may be regarded as characteristic social features of the present century, the first association of this description having been established at Birmingham in 1796, ...
  • On a decimal currency 

    Galbraith, Joseph A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
    In many essays which have lately appeared on the subject of a decimal currency, the distinction has not been sufficiently observed which exists between a decimal coinage and a decimal currency; between a system of coins ...
  • On partnerships of limited liability 

    Pim, Jonathan (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
    The unlimited liability existing under the English law prevents a prudent man from connecting himself as a partner with any business to which he cannot give his personal attention. This operates as a restriction on the ...
  • On partnerships with limited liability 

    McKenna, P. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
    If any apology, further than the importance of the subject, were required for a paper such as the present, after the very able and carefully written pamphlet of Mr. Colles, it would be found in the report of the select ...
  • On the agricultural statistics of Ireland 

    Lawson, James A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
    Here is a vast mass of information, and it is surely worth while to endeavour to elicit the truths contained in it; and while this remains to be done, none of us need complain of a deficiency of materials for valuable ...
  • On the best means of raising the supplies for a war expenditure 

    Cairnes, John E. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
    The question respecting the raising of the supplies for a war expenditure, by what means they can be most efficiently obtained, and with the least inconvenience to the community, has been of late years allowed to fall ...
  • On the importance of reformatory establishments for juvenile delinquents 

    Pim, William Harvey (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
    The treatment of the juvenile portion of the destitute and criminal classes appears to be one of the most pressing social questions of the day?one in which our national prosperity and individual welfare are both intimately ...
  • On the present state of the law of settlement and removal of paupers in Scotland 

    Alison, William P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
    It is well known that the part of the Legal Provision of the Poor which regulates their settlement, i.e., the district of the country from which each family may claim relief, is at present widely different in the three ...
  • On the relation between landlord and tenant in Ireland 

    Greer, Samuel M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
    In venturing to direct the attention of this Society, for a short time, to certain provisions of law which now regulate the relation between landlord and tenant in this country, I feel that I am dealing with a subject ...
  • Report of the council read at the opening of the seventh session 

    Unknown author (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1854)
    We now enter on the commencement of a new session, and it may not be uninteresting to the members of our society to take a brief survey of the labours of the past.
  • Should the tenant of land possess the property in the improvements made by him? 

    Heron, Denis Caulfield (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
    I wish to discuss the question which I have prefixed to this paper for the consideration of the society, without direct reference to the existing Tenant Right of Ulster, or to the reforms in the law of real property ...
  • Statistics of poor relief in England and Wales for the year 1851 compiled from the fourth annual report of the Poor Law Board 

    Cheshire, Edward (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
    The expenditure for the relief of the poor in England and Wales during the year ended Lady-day, 1851, amounted to #4,962,704, being a decrease of #432,318, or 8 per cent, as compared with the expenditure of the preceding ...
  • Statistics to illustrate the connexion between ignorance and crime 

    Haughton, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
    I purpose, on the present occasion, to bring before the Society some facts in relation to education, that I have obtained from a few authentic documents which have come under my notice. From these it will appear that ...
  • Statistics to illustrate the lands of business which joint stock companies are suited to carry on, especially with respect to investments in land 

    Lawson, James A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
    My attention has been lately directed to the subject of public companies, by the many plans recently brought before the public for the formation of such associations for the purpose of buying land, and sometimes for ...
  • Trade unions and combinations in 1853 

    Leslie, T.E. Cliffe (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
    Being desirous of obtaining authentic information with respect to the present character and prevalence of combinations among the working classes, I have endeavoured to possess myself of it by personal inquiry from persons ...
  • What are the duties of the public with respect to charitable savings banks? 

    Hancock, W. Neilson (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
    Here are two kinds of savings' bank, a joint stock savings' bank, and a government savings' bank. But the sort of institution to which I am about to direct your attention, is quite distinct from these in some essential ...
  • The wine duties, with reference to their effects on the commercial relations between the British dominions and France 

    Ingram, Thomas Dunbar (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
    In the following paper I propose to lay before you a summary of the history of the wine duties, and of the present condition of the trade, chiefly with reference to our commercial relations with France. Although these ...