Now showing items 34-45 of 45

    • Some aspects of the industrial capital market in Ireland 

      Murray, C. H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1960)
      Industry in Ireland is financed in a variety of ways?by public issues, retained profits and depreciation allowances, trade credit, loans from commercial banks, the Industrial Credit Company Ltd. and hire-purchase concerns, ...
    • Some aspects of the marketing of milk in Northern Ireland 

      Armstrong, D. L. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      Though the milk bottle and the milkman are familiar sights it is doubtful if the general public ever give much thought to the complex organisation which ensures the daily delivery of milk to some 338,000 households in ...
    • Some observations on social security and the aged 

      Elwood, Thomas (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1958)
      In this necessarily brief survey of the social problems of old age I propose to consider? The nature and extent of the problem due to the changing age structure of the nation; The statutory and non-statutory financial ...
    • Some provincial variations in Irish agriculture 

      Byrne, James J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      The statistics relating to Irish agriculture as a whole convey an impression of general stability during the quarter century preceding 1950, but there the stability seems to end. Since then output has increased significantly ...
    • Some recent developments in secondary education in Great Britain with special reference to technical education 

      Paulin, D. M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1958)
      No apology is needed for addressing this society on an educational topic. In the 1830's Dr. Kay, later Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth, wrote a pamphlet, ?The Moral and Physical Conditions of the Working Classes employed in the ...
    • Some social and economic aspects of housing?an international comparison 

      O hUiginn, P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1960)
      There are two points to be borne in mind in connection with the comparisons made in this paper. The first is that all comparisons based on international statistics are affected by the reliability and comparability of the ...
    • State debt balance sheets 

      O'Reilly, Michael (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      Since the establishment of the State the annual Finance Accounts have contained statements of the liabilities and assets of the Exchequer. These statements have shown a growing but unexplained excess of liabilities over ...
    • The structure of Irish industry 

      Linehan, T. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1962)
      The development over time of Irish industry is fairly well documented, statistically speaking, in so far as production, employment etc. data are concerned for industry as a whole and for the various industrial subdivisions. ...
    • Symposium on economic development 

      O Nuallain, Labhras; Black, R. D. Collison; Thompson, S. F.; Nevin, Donal; O'Keefe, P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      I must, at the outset, congratulate Mr. Whitaker on succeeding, where others have failed, in arousing the authorities, both Governmental and Departmental, to the urgent necessity for a systematic programme of economic ...
    • Trade union organisation in Ireland 

      Roberts, Ruaidhri (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      In this paper I propose to review briefly various aspects of the Irish trade union movement; its development and membership, the Congresses and the new Irish Congress of Trade Unions, theories of trade union structure, ...
    • The universities and management training 

      Garmany, J. W. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      The post-war years have seen a significant increase in the attention given to the problems of business management and to the devising of courses covering a wide variety of subjects but all subsumed under the general heading ...
    • The volume of press display advertising in Ireland, 1957 

      Kingston, W. V.; Prendiville, B. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1958)
      Advertising is frequently examined by sociologists and economists from the aspect of its effect on patterns of living and the economy generally. But its dimensions in modern economies suggest that it warrants study in its ...