Now showing items 6-25 of 45

    • Centenary of the Societe de Statistique de Paris 

      Lyon, Stanley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1961)
      The President of the Societe de Statistique de Paris sent the following invitation to the President of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland requesting him, or a deputy on his behalf, to attend at the ...
    • Changes and trends in our educational system since 1922 

      O Raifeartaigh, T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      This is, I think, the first talk on our educational system that has been given here and so, before the statistics of the subject can be usefully considered, a sketch of the structure and history of the system would seem ...
    • A dynamic model of the Irish economy 

      Quinlan, P. M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1962)
      The present paper is the result of a spare-time study over the past three years, first on the effects of increased production in agriculture on all other sectors of our economy, and more recently on the combined effects ...
    • Economic aspects of forestry in Northern Ireland 

      Thomas, D. E. L. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1962)
      It was stated in 1960 that forestry policy in Northern Ireland is governed by three major factors: ?Firstly, there is the compelling need, which two world wars have so painfully demonstrated, to reverse the centuries-old ...
    • The economic utilisation of grassland 

      O'Connor, R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1960)
      Recent experimental work has brought to notice the remarkable yield potential of Irish grassland. In experiments at Johnstown Castle on poor soils, yields of about 40 cwts. of starch equivalent (S.E.) per acre were obtained ...
    • Estimates of the distribution of non-agricultural incomes and incidence of certain taxes 

      Reason, L. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1961)
      Dissatisfaction with the existing tax structure, in so far as it has any rational basis, probably derives in large measure from the feeling that the incidence of taxation is inequitable or, to put it another way, that the ...
    • Estimates of the gross domestic product of Northern Ireland, 1950-56 

      Carter, C. F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      Estimates of the Gross Domestic Product of Northern Ireland have been supplied by Professor C. F. Carter, and are shown in the following table. A paper on ?A Comparison of the National Incomes and Social Accounts of Northern ...
    • The extent of the potato crop in Ireland at the time of the Famine 

      Bourke, P. M. Austin (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1960)
      Any attempt at a quantitative analysis of the failure of the potato in Ireland in 1845-6 requires a knowledge of the extent to which the crop was grown in those years. The collection and publication of official returns of ...
    • The growth and aging of population 

      Mulligan, L. C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      The population of the world was estimated at 1,094 million in 1850 and at 1,550 million in 1900 which represents an increase of 42 per cent, in that half-century. The population rose to 2,500 million in 1950, an increase ...
    • The growth and development of the Irish telephone system 

      Litton, A. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1962)
      Although the Telephone service is now of considerable importance in the life of the nation little seems to be known about it. This is regrettable since there are not many enterprises in the state with a larger capital, or ...
    • Investment criteria in Ireland 

      Ryan, W. J. L. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1962)
      In planning economic development, projects must be arranged in an order of priority. During the past ten years or so, increasing attention has been paid to the criteria by whose help this ordering might be done. In this ...
    • Investment in Northern Ireland 

      Bell, Robert (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      It is generally accepted that Northern Ireland suffers from underinvestment and a consideration of the figures relating to the amount of capital invested in companies both public and private in Northern Ireland and Great ...
    • Ireland and international monetary institutions 

      Menton, Brendan (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1958)
      Ireland's recent accession to the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, commonly known as the ?World Bank? has stimulated interest in this country in the various ...
    • Local government finance and central control 

      Lofts, D. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1958)
      The local government systems of England and Northern Ireland are alike in essentials, and their structure and financial basis both date from the last decades of the nineteenth century. In those days, as now, local authorities ...
    • Marriage and fertility in nineteenth century Londonderry 

      Johnson, James H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1958)
      The change in the age of marriage among the Irish, which occurred some time in the nineteenth century, is well known. Before the Great Famine early marriage was the rule; and this early marriage was associated with a rapid ...
    • Natality in Dublin in the year 1955 

      Knaggs, J. F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1958)
      Certain modifications were made in 1955 in the system of recording births in this country, with a view to extending the amount of statistical information available and bringing the Irish statistics on the subject into ...
    • The pastoral economy of New Zealand and some comparisons with Ireland 

      Symons, Leslie (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1961)
      New Zealand is a small country. The two main islands have an area of about 102,000 square miles, only about 4/5ths of the area of the British Isles. The South Island, with an area of an eighth greater than that of England, ...
    • Permanent finance for public and private companies 

      French, H. J. S. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1961)
      The whole financial pattern of industry in Great Britain has changed completely since the beginning of this century. Sixty years ago, with a few notable exceptions, the whole of industry was conducted by small family ...
    • Personal savings in Northern Ireland, 1950/51 to 1959/60 

      Corley, T. A. B. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1962)
      It is sometimes contended that the growth of Northern Ireland's economy has been hampered, at least partially, by two related tendencies. The first is for her citizens to save ?too high? a proportion of their incomes, and ...
    • Personality and the organization man 

      Barrington, T. J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1961)
      I should begin by declaring my interest. It is that, as Blake has it, without Man, Nature is barren. Or, in twentieth century terms, the creative and dynamic forces that lead to progress derive from the human personality. ...