Recent Submissions

  • Weights and measures after the war 

    Stanuell, Charles A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1917)
    In my judgment the United Kingdom will be successful in the present awful struggle, but the country will suffer great injury to many trades and manufactures. We shall also be liable for enormous debts contracted in ...
  • The study of Irish economic history 

    Chart, D.A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1919)
    The subject of this evening's paper is not one which has frequently attracted the attention of members of this society. This is regrettable in many ways. Often a proper treatment of disease is impossible without an ...
  • A Ministry of Public Health for Ireland 

    Cox, Michael F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1919)
    Never, perhaps, so much as now has it been fully realised that the most important and most enduring wealth of a State depends upon the health and strength, the strong arms and trained brains of a people. Men of the ...
  • Changes in Irish exports (second paper) 

    Oldham, C.H. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1919)
    In a previous Paper (read to this Society on April 26th, 1918) I analysed the figures for the Exports at Irish Ports which have been published by the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland for ...
  • The finance of the war 

    Thompson, Newman (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1919)
    This paper naturally divides itself into three sections:? (1) The financial steps taken at the outbreak of war; (2) The methods by which the expenditure of the war have been met; and (3) Some observations upon the facts ...
  • Infant mortality and the Notification of Births Acts, 1907, 1915 

    Lawson, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1919)
    This subject was referred to in a paper on "Child Life as a National Asset," read before the Society by Mr. Shannon Millin on December 17th, 1915, but as a good deal of information on the subject was forthcoming ...