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Now showing items 1-12 of 12

  • Breaking out for Bologna 2010 

    MAC an AIRCHINNIGH, MICHEAL (2010-04-07)
  • Culture seen, Culture experienced, Culture rediscovered 

  • Digital Spaces in "Popular" Culture Ontologized 

    Electronic publication seems to have the biased connotation of a one-way delivery system from the source to the masses. It originates within the ?Push culture.? Specifically, it triggers the notion of (a small number of) ...
  • Digital Spaces in Popular Culture 

    MAC an AIRCHINNIGH, MICHEAL (2012-01-17)
    Electronic publication (ElPub) seems to have the biased connotation of a one-way delivery system from the source to the masses. It originates within the "Push culture." Specifically, it triggers the notion of a small number ...
  • Keyimages ontologized for the Cultural Masses 

    MAC an AIRCHINNIGH, MICHEAL (University of Sofia, 2011)
    Humans name things. Naming is essential for pointing to recognizable images, sounds, and emotions. In every culture throughout history certain stereotypical images have emerged to indicate grounded truths for the people. ...
  • Let me tell you something about (y)our culture? 

    MAC an AIRCHINNIGH, MICHEAL (Hacetteppe University Department of Information Management, 2010)
    Each person is born into a culture that is mediated by the mother tongue. Further development of the person is often associated with schooling and education. At an early age some persons will come into contact with other ...
  • Life after Digitization, Deschooling Society 2010 & beyond 

    Schooling may now considered to be an instrinsic part of the society. The term may be taken to cover all those formal institutions established to school young people from approximately the age of 7-11 (primary school), ...
  • The Naïve Ontologist and "Intelligent" Story Telling 

    MAC an AIRCHINNIGH, MICHEAL (University of Sofia, 2013)
    Semantic Search has become, that is to say been re-discovered to be, the key theme for Intelligent Systems in 2012. No humans need apply. Semantic search, as Tim Berners-Lee predicted in his seminal little book on the World ...
  • Personalisation, Empowering the Playful, The Social Media Cloud 

    Abstract. Beyond the Cloud? It is easy to forget that the majority of humanity is not Cloud-included; indeed most are already beyond the Cloud. To be precise they have never, and will never be part of this thing we call ...
  • Social Networks and the national art gallery (Dublin|...|Sofia) 

    MAC an AIRCHINNIGH, MICHEAL (Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, 2010)
    To publish is to make public. And one sense of being public is surely to be accessible? Today it is not only the writing and the images that are published formally, that is to say through official channels, but also the ...
  • Towards a vision of an Internet of Cultural Things 

    The Internet of Cultural Things (IoCT) is a phrase we use to denote all those cultural heritage artefacts which have been assigned their own unique IPv6 address and which are equipped with appropriate wireless ...
  • What makes a great mobile digital art exhibition 

    STRONG, GLENN; BRADY, MICHAEL HAYES; GILTRAP, CATHERINE; MAC an AIRCHINNIGH, MICHEAL (Hacettepe University Department of Information Management, 2011)
    Passive reception and consumption of art is a given, in our times. Artists produce. Spectators consume. At the nexus stands the curator who chooses the produce and the exhibitor who provides the space for consumers. This ...