Now showing items 1184-1203 of 1594

    • R.A. Fisher and the development of statistics - a view in his centerary year 

      Conniffe, Denis (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1991)
      It is certainly appropriate that The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland should present a paper about the great statistician Fisher in this year, the centenary of his birth. I am very pleased to be giving ...
    • Radio Eireann listener research inquiries, 1953-1955 

      Forecast, K. G. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1956)
      Radio Eireann began conducting its own listener research in. March 1953 and has since completed four inquiries on listening in the Twenty Six Counties. The first referred to listening in the fortnight 15th-28th March 1953, ...
    • Railway rates 

      Eason, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1883)
      A great deal of discontent is felt by traders, and by the general public, with the charges made by railway companies for the carriage of goods and passengers. It is alleged: That trade is injured by excessive rates, which ...
    • Rating and valuation 

      Lisney, Harry (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1939)
      As the title suggests the scope of my subject is to inquire whence rating came, the development and the method of apportioning the demand made by the community upon its members for contribution to the common good or to ...
    • The rationale and scope for privatisation in Ireland 

      McDowell, Moore (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2000)
      The public debate over privatisation in Ireland over the last decade has single-mindedly avoided any serious intellectual analysis of the rationale behind the process in the sense of the issue of whether it is per se a ...
    • Raw materials for Irish animal husbandry 

      Johnston, Joseph (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1951)
      There are three possible objectives for agricultural production. One may produce cash crops for direct human consumption. This, of course, involves tillage. One may produce animal products also for human consumption; In ...
    • The re-afforesting of Ireland?the advantages and disadvantages 

      Moore, Fletcher (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1883)
      The re afforesting of Ireland being at present before the public as one of the grand schemes for the regeneration of Ireland, I propose bringing this subject before you to-night, and pointing out what seem to me to be, ...
    • Real convergence, the European Community and Ireland 

      Kennedy, Kieran A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1992)
      As is well known, average living standards in Ireland are much lower than in most of our EC partners. It is of considerable interest to Ireland whether, and in what way, its living standards will catch up or fall further ...
    • The real value of house prices: what the cost of accommodation can tell policymakers 

      Lyons, Ronan C. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2012)
      This paper explores the potential for the housing market to inform public policy in Ireland by developing a model of the determinants of the cost of accommodation. It does this by using a rich dataset of sales and lettings ...
    • Recent demographic developments in Ireland 

      Leser, C. E. V. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1965)
      Seen from the demographic point of view, Ireland is well known to possess a number of unusual features m comparison with other countries of the Western world. The effect on natural population increase of a high average ...
    • Recent developments in Northern Irish agriculture 

      Smith, L. P. F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1949)
      In the twenty-seven years since Ireland was divided there have been many developments both in the production and in the disposal of agricultural produce On the whole both sections had the same initial structure of the ...
    • Recent legislation in England and other countries affecting children and young persons 

      Molony, Thomas F., Sir (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1933)
      The Home Office Committee on the treatment of young offenders, over which I presided, spent two years in investigating the difficult problems of child life, and in our Report (Cmd. 2831, 1927). We made many recommendations, ...
    • The recent progress of the Free-Trade Movement in Belgium 

      Hutton, Henry Dix (Dublin Statistical Society, 1857)
      On a previous occasion I had the honor of reading to the Society a paper on the Brussels Free Trade Congress and the International Association which sprang out of it. I now propose briefly to indicate the progress, very ...
    • Recent social legislation in England 

      Molony, Thomas F., Sir (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1938)
      Shortly after I was called to the Bar and went on the Leinster Circuit a very old member of the Circuit advised me in fatherly terms never to neglect to read the Statutes of the year because, as he said, you may be excused ...
    • Recent statistics of French rural economy 

      O'Brien, Murrough (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1889)
      It is the practice in France to have, in addition to annual returns, a general agricultural enquiry or census every ten years. The last began in 1882, but its results were only published this year. This delay, due to ...
    • Reciprocity 

      McCarty, E. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
      The existing depression of trade is the severest perhaps on record, and certainly has dragged us through as harassing a length of time as any that ever afflicted commerce. The distress sounds the circumstances of every ...
    • The recommendations of the Land Transfer Commission of 1869, considered with especial reference to their applicability to transfer of land in Ireland 

      Urlin, R. Denny (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1874)
      One of the last letters written by Richard Cobden contains these remarkable words: ?The Land Question has a wider bearing than has yet been given it in our public discussions; and it will not be seriously entertained by ...
    • Reconceptualising families in the EU: changes in demography, households and the allocation of care 

      DREW, EILEEN PATRICIA (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1997)
      This paper charts the demographic changes characterising the last three decades, which have resulted in a diversity of family forms. It marks the magnitude of some of these changes, the exceptions to general patterns and ...
    • Reconciling rapid economic growth with environmental sustainability in Ireland 

      Clinch, J. Peter (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2001)
      The extraordinarily rapid rate of growth of the Irish economy in the past decade has provided many benefits in terms of increased living standards and higher employment levels. However, economic growth has also resulted ...
    • The Recovery in the Public Finances in Ireland following the Financial Crisis 

      Smyth, Diarmuid (SSISI, 2017)
      The turnaround in the fiscal position in Ireland over the past 6-7 years has been dramatic. From double-digit deficits, a rapidly rising debt ratio and entry into an EU/IMF support programme, by end 2015, the General ...