Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • The joint-stock companies in the court of equity 

      Falkiner, F. R. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1870)
      My desire this evening is to present in panorama a few pictures that have already passed before the spectator in the Court of Chancery; then to point out some innate vices in the principles on which the companies so seen ...
    • On partnerships of limited liability 

      Pim, Jonathan (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
      The unlimited liability existing under the English law prevents a prudent man from connecting himself as a partner with any business to which he cannot give his personal attention. This operates as a restriction on the ...
    • On the laws relating to joint-stock companies 

      Murphy, Joseph John (Dublin Statistical Society, 1857)
      The limited liability act of 1856 has placed the law of joint-stock companies in a satisfactory state, so far as regards the position of the shareholders. They can obtain a charter of incorporation by simply ^plying for ...
    • Statistics to illustrate the lands of business which joint stock companies are suited to carry on, especially with respect to investments in land 

      Lawson, James A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1852)
      My attention has been lately directed to the subject of public companies, by the many plans recently brought before the public for the formation of such associations for the purpose of buying land, and sometimes for ...