Implementation of PI2 Queuing Discipline for Classic TCP Traffic in ns-3
R. Tahiliani, and H. Tewari, Implementation of PI2 Queuing Discipline for Classic TCP Traffic in ns-3, 16th International IFIP TC6 Networking Conference, Networking 2017, Stockholm, June 12-15, International Fedaration for Information Processing, 2017Download Item:
This paper presents the implementation and validation of PI2 Active Queue Management (AQM) algorithm in ns-3. PI2 provides an alternate design and implementation to Propor- tional Integral controller Enhanced (PIE) algorithm without affecting the performance benefits it provides in tackling the problem of bufferbloat. Bufferbloat is a situation arising due to the presence of large unmanaged buffers in the network. It results in increased latency and therefore, degrades the performance of delay-sensitive traffic. PIE algorithm tries to minimize the queuing delay by auto-tuning its control param- eters. However, with PI2, this auto-tuning can be replaced by just squaring the packet drop probability. In this paper, we implement a model for PI2 in ns-3 and verify its correctness by comparing the results obtained from it to those obtained from the PIE model in ns-3. The results indicate that PI2 offers a simple design and achieves similar responsiveness and stability, and in some cases, better than PIE.
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Author: Tewari, Hitesh
Other Titles:
16th International IFIP TC6 Networking Conference, Networking 2017Publisher:
International Fedaration for Information ProcessingType of material:
Conference PaperCollections
Full text availableSubject (TCD):
Telecommunications , TCP/IPDOI:
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