On order equivalences between distance and similarity measures on sequences and trees
Martin Emms and Hector Franco-Penya, On order equivalences between distance and similarity measures on sequences and trees, ICPRAM 2012 International Conference on Pattern Recognition Application and Methods, 2012, 15 - 24Download Item:
Both ?distance? and ?similarity? measures have been proposed for the comparison of sequences and for the comparison of trees, based on scoring mappings, and the paper concerns the equivalence or otherwise of these. These measures are usually parameterised by an atomic ?cost? table, defining label-dependent values for swaps, deletions and insertions. We look at the question of whether orderings induced by a ?distance? measure, with some cost-table, can be dualized by a ?similarity? measure, with some other cost-table, and vice-versa. Three kinds of orderings are considered: alignment-orderings, for fixed source S and target T , neighbour-orderings, where for a fixed S, varying candidate neighbours Ti are ranked, and pair-orderings, where for varying Si ,and varying Tj , the pairings Si , Tj are ranked. We show that (1) alignment-orderings by distance can be dualized by similarity, and vice-versa; (2) neigbour-ordering and pair-ordering by distance can be dualized by similarity; (3) neighbour-ordering and pair-ordering by similarity can sometimes not be dualized by distance. A consequence of this is that there are categorisation and hierarchical clustering outcomes which can be achieved via similarity but not via distance
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Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
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PUBLISHEDwinner of best paper award
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ICPRAM 2012 International Conference on Pattern Recognition Application and MethodsType of material:
Conference PaperCollections
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Simiiarity, Distance, Sequence alignment, Tree alignment, kNN, clusteringSubject (TCD):
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