Recent Submissions

  • Recreational pursuits on marginal farm land: a discrete-choice model of Irish farm commonage recreation 

    Hynes, Stephen; Buckley, Cathal; Van Rensburg, Tom (Economic & Social Studies, Dublin, 2007)
    In the last decade the demand for rural recreation has increased in Ireland as the population has become increasingly urbanised. Increased affluence, mobility and changing values have also brought new demands with respect ...
  • Health and wealth in the North of Ireland: is there a ?social gradient? to health outcomes? 

    Borooah, Vani K. (Economic & Social Studies, Dublin, 2007)
    This paper investigates using data on 2,700 persons in the North of Ireland, whether there is a social gradient to health, both with respect to general health (self-assessed health status; long-term limiting illness; the ...
  • Demand for money: a study in testing time series for long memory and nonlinearity 

    Bond, Derek; Harrison, Michael J.; O'Brien, Edward J. (Economic & Social Studies, Dublin, 2007)
    This paper draws attention to the limitations of the standard unit root/cointegration approach to economic and financial modelling, and to some of the alternatives based on the idea of fractional integration, long memory ...
  • Inter-industry wage differentials in Ireland 

    Gannon, Brenda; Nolan, Brian (Economic & Social Studies, Dublin, 2004)
    This paper investigates inter-industry wage differentials in Ireland, taking advantage of access to a dataset that is uniquely suitable for this purpose, the 1996 Structure of Earnings Survey. This allows us to measure ...
  • Housing tenure in Ireland 

    Somerville, R. A. (Economic & Social Studies, Dublin, 2007)
    This paper investigates the sources of the extremely high level of owner occupation in Ireland. After using census data to explore the evolution of this phenomenon, the paper makes a cross-country comparison of owner ...
  • Measuring Irish capital 

    Keeney, Mary J. (Economic & Social Studies, Dublin, 2007)
    Irish National Income and Expenditure Accounts do not contain information on capital stocks or capital services estimation. Estimates of the national capital stock and the depreciation of its fixed assets are basic ...