Recent work on affordable housing in Ireland
Williams, Brendan. 'Recent work on affordable housing in Ireland'. - Economic & Social Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, January, 2001, pp. 81-87, Dublin: Economic & Social Research InstituteDownload Item:
Past urban policy failures could be fairly linked to inadequate resources and a lack
of public finance, unlike the present economic situation which offers opportunities and policy alternatives never available before. It is essential however to realise that problems of affordable housing are part of the wider policy problem of dealing with growth patterns particularly in main urban areas and should be addressed in that context. This review examines the emergence of the housing affordability problem in the Dublin Region and the impacts of policy responses to date.
Author: Williams, Brendan
Economic & Social StudiesType of material:
Journal ArticleCollections
Full text availableKeywords:
Affordable housing, Ireland, Housing policyISSN:
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