Browsing Trinity Business School by Title
Now showing items 139-158 of 372
Gaps, actors and the process of commercialising applied research from Irish universities
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Trinity Business School, 2010)The recent global economic crisis has increased the levels and frequency of calls by national and region governments for universities to contribute to economic growth (Etzkowitz and Chunyan, 2008). These calls emerge from ... -
GARCH modelling of the volume-volatility relation in equity markets
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Trinity Business School, 2012)The mixture of distributions hypothesis (MDH) provides a theoretical explanation for the existence of a positive volume-volatility relationship. According to this hypothesis, both volume and volatility are driven by a ... -
The Garda Inspectorate: Driving Collaborative Reform Through a Model of Equilibrated Governance
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Business. Discipline of Business & Administrative Studies, 2018)In the Garda Síochána Act of 2005, the Irish Government established a new oversight body, the Garda Inspectorate, to drive reform in its national police service, An Garda Síochána. Appointed in 2006 as the first Chief ... -
'Genius', 'Faction' and Rescuing Intellectual Property Rights
(2005)Intellectual property rights have been driven relentlessly towards a unitary system for the entire world, originally through passive copying of flawed United States arrangements, but more recently as a result of determined ... -
Global Stock Market Interdependencies and long-term Portfolio Diversification
(2011)In this paper, we examine the scope for international stock portfolio diversification, from the viewpoint of a United States representative investor, in regard to both the Asian and the European stock markets. Our findings ... -
Gold and inflation(s) - A time-varying relationship
(2016)What is the relationship between the price of gold and inflation? How stable is it – over time and across measures of inflation? We examine this for three countries (the USA, the UK and Japan) - over forty years and with ... -
Gold and Silver Price Volatility Macro and Micro Approach
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Business. Discipline of Business & Administrative Studies, 2021)Is there any volatility spillover from key macroeconomic variables towards the price returns in gold and silver markets? What is the stylized fact between return and volatility of the auctions in gold and silver markets? This ... -
Government-Business Relations in the Services Sector of Independent Ireland, 1922-1958
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Business. Discipline of Business & Administrative Studies, 2023)Government-business relations were vital in shaping the initial decades of the Irish economy. While broad-based autarchy was the governing paradigm of the secondary, or manufacturing, part of the economy, less is known ... -
Gravity and Culture in Foreign Portfolio Investment
(2011)Using panel regression estimates from the IMF?s CPIS survey of foreign debt and equity portfolios across 174 originating and 50 destination countries from 2001 to 2007, we clarify the role of culture and extend the set of ... -
Green Demarketing Taking Off: A new environmental CSR approach for airlines
(Trinity College Dublin, 2019)The current growth in climate crisis awareness is forcing industries to shift and adapt their business models to a more sustainable one that satisfies customers’ needs. The airline industry, being one of the industries ... -
Habits in Consumption, Transactions Learning and Economic Growth
(2005)This paper presents a model of endogenous growth in the presence of habit formation in consumption. We argue that in addition to the traditional disutility effects of habitual consumption, the past history of consumption ... -
He s got the touch : Tracing the masculine regulation of the body schema in reciprocal relations between self-others-things'
(2022)The purpose of this article is to examine the interconnections between embodiment and masculinity. Departing from the predominant discursive view of masculinity, I explain how a phenomenological, post-dualistic approach, ... -
Hedges and Safe Havens An Examination of Stocks, Bonds, Oil, Gold and the Dollar
(2011)We investigate five major financial asset classes, examining how and under what circumstances each may act as a hedge or a safe haven to each other. Using the approach of Baur and Lucey (2010) and Baur and McDermott (2010) ... -
High Performance Computing Instrumentation and Research Productivity in U.S. Universities
(JITI, 2010)This paper studies the relationship between investments in High-Performance Computing (HPC) instrumentation and research competitiveness. Measures of institutional HPC investment are computed from data that is readily ... -
How CIOs interact with external peer networks : an application of grounded theory in an Irish private sector context
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Trinity Business School, 2010)Interactions with peers have been identified, in the IS management literature, as being the most influential source of external contact for the Chief Information Officer (CIO), supporting them in their role as the most ... -
How external management consultants add value in IS strategy in the public sector
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Trinity Business School, 2009)Information systems (IS) can transform an organisation and there are now many business models which are fiindamentally defined by technology. Despite the success stories, IS initiatives have been prone to failures which ... -
How far can patent records be used for making international comparisons of technological achievement?
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Trinity Business School, 2007)This thesis explores the question of how far the data on patents may be used for an international comparison of innovation, measured by technological achievement. The literature supports the use of raw patent data as a ... -
How global are German corporations? An empirical investigation
(2020)The internationalization of firms has been subject of much debate in the field of international business, with many studies examining firm-level internationalization using a number of different measures, but few investigating ...