Browsing Administrative Staff Authors by Title
Now showing items 424-443 of 831
Keeping Them in the Game: Taking Up and Dropping Out of Sport and Exercise in Ireland
(ESRI, 2013)This report presents the most comprehensive statistical analysis of active participation in sport and physical exercise in Ireland undertaken to date. We employ three large, nationally representative datasets, which ... -
The kinetics of swelling in block copolymer thin films during "solvo-microwave'' and solvo-thermal annealing: The effect of vapour pressure rate
(2015)We have studied the kinetics of swelling in block copolymer thin films by monitoring the pressure and temperature in situ during “solvo-microwave”[1] and solvo-thermal annealing. The results on poly (styrene-b-lactic acid) ... -
Knowledge and Awareness of mothers and caregivers of Diabetic Children about clinical features and complications of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Riyadh City: questionnaire study.
(2022)Objectives: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening metabolic disorder in which complications can be avoidable. The purpose of this study is to describe the knowledge of the Saudi caregivers for diabetic children ... -
Langevin equation approach to diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
(2009)The normal phase diffusion problem in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is treated by means of the Langevin equation for the phase variable using only the properties of the characteristic function of Gaussian random variables. ... -
Large-area patterning for broadband, quasi-omnidirectional low-reflectance glass
(2022)A method for producing large-area, broadband, quasi-omnidirectional low-reflectivity glass surfaces is presented. Using block copolymer (BCP) patterning and inductively coupled plasma etching, near- periodic arrays of ... -
Learning in Transition: Workplace Learning for Newly Qualified Social Workers
(IATED Academy, 2018) -
Lessons from a Community-Based Participatory Research Project: Older People's and Researchers' Reflections
(2010)The ethical and practical importance of actively involving older people in the research process is increasingly articulated in the gerontology literature. This article contributes to the literature by outlining a ... -
Lessons from speechreading
(IEEE, 2001)Speechreading is the ability to understand a speaker?s thoughts by watching the movements of the face and body and by using the information provided by the situation and the language. People with normal hearing and the ... -
Leukocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) and CD44 are signalling molecules for cytoskeleton-dependent morphological changes in activated T cells
(Oxford University Press, 1995)Signaling through the leukocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) molecule has previously been shown to induce homotypic aggregation in T cells and to induce cytoskeletal changes in T lymphoma cells. In this study we ... -
Life-long singlehood: Intersections of the past and the present
(2014)This paper examines life-long singlehood and its ramifications in old age among women and men in Ireland. During the life-time of the 26 research participants, Ireland shifted from the Western European marriage pattern, ... -
Lilith Unsexed
(Palgrave, 2023)Among the many types of demons which plagued ancient Mesopotamian were those of the líl-type. One of the female members of this type, lilītu, is the ‘ancestor’ of the Jewish demoness Lilith, and indeed Aramaic incantation ... -
Linked Data and Cultural Heritage
(2021)The cultural heritage sector has traditionally been concerned with sharing resources and furthering human knowledge, with particular interest to the issues associated with metadata and interoperability, especially when it ... -
Liquid exfoliation of solvent-stabilized few-layer black phosphorus for applications beyond electronics.
(2015)Few-layer black phosphorus (BP) is a new two-dimensional material which is of great interest for applications, mainly in electronics. However, its lack of environmental stability severely limits its synthesis and processing. ... -
Literacy, Numeracy and Activation among the Unemployed
(ESRI, 13/06/2012)Literacy and numeracy are key factors shaping individual life chances and their impact is particularly critical in the labour market. Large-scale sweeping changes in the organisation of work, including the shift from ... -
Literature Review on Issues of Work Life Balance, Workplace Culture and Maternity/Childcare Issues
(Crisis Pregnancy Agency, 2006)This report is a literature review of work-life balance, workplace culture and maternity/childcare issues. It draws on national and international research, policy and legislation, and looks particularly at the role each ... -
Literature review using systematic approaches to explore physical illness co-morbidity among people with serious mental illness and related healthcare interventions
(School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2015)International evidence indicates that the physical health of Mental Health Service Users (MHSUs), especially those with serious mental illness (SMI)1 , is often suboptimal (Parks et al., 2006; DeHert et al., 2011). Over ...