Now showing items 113-132 of 417

    • Fabrication and characterisation of chemical vapour deposition grown branched carbon nanotube arrays 

      Leahy, Rory (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2007)
      The fabrication, optimisation and characterisation of arrays of straight and junction multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) is presented in this thesis. A detailed description of the design and fabrication of the chemical ...
    • Fabrication and electromagnetic properties of metallic nano-helices 

      Caridad Hernández, José Manuel (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2014)
      Helically-shaped sytems are widely known in physics, biology or chemistry. Examples are some types of carbon nanotubes, DNA and collagen (double and triple helices, respectively), lipid bilayers, bacterial flagella (Salmonella ...
    • Fabrication, characterisation and applications of some organic, inorganic and organic-inorganic hybrid nanostructures 

      Drury, Anna (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2009)
      This thesis describes the fabrication, characterisation and applications of some interesting one-dimensional and two-dimensional nanostructures. The bulk of the thesis is concerned with the deposition of metals, polymers, ...
    • Factors controlling the dispersion of single walled carbon nanotubes and hexabenzocoronene in liquid media 

      Hughes, Jennifer Marguerite (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2012)
      In this thesis, some of the primary factors controlling liquid phase dispersion of sp2-hybridised carbon nanostructures (namely single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC)) were investigated.
    • Fast automated mineral differentiation using optical hyperspectral imaging 

      Harenbrock, Sebastian (Trinity College Dublin. School of Physics. Discipline of Physics, 2024)
      The processing of mineral-bearing rocks in the mining industry is a highly energy and resource-intensive process. This has motivated the development of more effective ways to automatically sort valuable ore from barren ...
    • Femtosecond laser ablation of metals 

      O'Connell, Gearoid (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2015)
      Femtosecond laser ablation of metals and dielectrics is currently very topical due to its new and distinctive ablation process and the growing number of applications. The ablation process is rather complex and results in ...
    • Ferromagnetic resonance of magnetite films and iron nanowires 

      McGuigan, Louise (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2010)
      Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements were carried out at 9.6 GHz on thin magnetite films and iron nanowire arrays, produced by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The aims of the studies were to examine how the magnetic ...
    • Fields and flares : understanding the complex magnetic topologies of solar active regions 

      Murray, Sophie A. (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2013)
      Sunspots are regions of decreased brightness on the visible surface of the Sun (photosphere) that are associated with strong magnetic fields. They have been found to be locations associated with solar flares, which occur ...
    • Fields, fractals and flares: characterising magnetic complexity in solar active regions 

      Conlon, Paul A. (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2009)
      The main drivers of space weather, solar flares and coronal mass ejections, are thought to originate from active regions on the surface of the Sun. The mechanisms by which active regions produce these eruptive events remains ...
    • Forster resonant energy transfer in nanocrystal quantum dot structures 

      Lunz, Manuela (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2010)
      Forster resonant energy transfer (FRET) is an energy transfer mechanism based on dipole-dipole interactions. FRET occurs in photosynthetic active organisms and is used in artificial structures to create energy flow in ...
    • Functional nanostructures self-assembled on templated surfaces 

      Lübben, Olaf (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2013)
      This work consists of surface studies of three systems; firstly, the growth of Fe nanoclusters on the Ge(001) surface has been studied using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), X-ray magnetic circular ...
    • Galaxy clusters, voids and elliptical galaxies using the ROSAT PSPC 

      Carr, Michael (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2003)
      The ROSAT data archive contains of the order of 100,000 sources observed by the ROSAT PSPC (Position Sensitive Proportional Counter). For many sources detected with the ROSAT PSPC there is not a sufficient number of photons ...
    • Gamma Ray Bursts : probing burst environments in high redshift galaxies 

      Ward, Paul Anthony (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2008)
      First discovered in the late 1960s, Gamma Ray Bursts have remained something of a cosmic mystery for almost four decades. It has only been quite recently that the nature of these phenomena is beginning to be understood. ...
    • Generation, characterisation and solidification of crystalline microfoams 

      Van der Net, Antje (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2008)
      This study is centered around the spontaneous ordering of equally sized microbubbles on top of a liquid pool, forming wet crystalline microfoams. This type of ordering was firstly observed by Bragg and Nye in 1947 and only ...
    • Graphene Based Membranes for Osmosis Applications 

      Akca, Sevilay (Trinity College Dublin. School of Physics. Discipline of Physics, 2020)
      With the discovery of two-dimensional hexagonal graphene (single layer of graphite), a tremendous interest has grown due its remarkable properties. Apart from all other properties, its superior thickness (one-atom thick) ...
    • Graphene-nonlinear optical properties and modelocking capabilities 

      BAKER-MURRAY, AIDAN (Trinity College Dublin. School of Physics. Discipline of Physics, 2020)
      In this thesis, graphene saturable absorber mirror's (SAM) potential for mode-locking ultrafast lasers has been demonstrated, in particular at 2 μm. The saturable absorption of graphene thin films (prepared via drop-casting ...
    • The Growth and Characterisation of Mn2Au Thin Films and Heterostructures 

      Casey, Daniel (Trinity College Dublin. School of Physics. Discipline of Physics, 2023)
      In this thesis, Mn2Au thin films and heterostructures are grown via molecular beam epitaxy. Mn2Au thin films are investigated on MgO (001) and Al2O3 (1102) substrates, and on Pt (111) seed layer grown on an Al2O3 (0001) ...
    • Growth and electrical characterisation of conjugated polymer nanostructures 

      Lee, Darren (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Physics, 2011)
      The field of conductive polymers is one in which there has been much interest in the last number of years. Two of the most common conductive polymers, polypyrrole and poly(p-phenylene vinylene) are investigated in the ...
    • Hard Spheres, Soap Bubbles, and Hydrogels in Research and Education 

      Irannezhad, Ali (Trinity College Dublin. School of Physics. Discipline of Physics, 2023)
      This thesis concerns various experiments using hard spheres, soap bubbles, hydrogel spheres, and soap films in which we will show these are suitable candidates for research and can be easily performed in universities, ...
    • Heat Transfer in Open Quantum Systems 

      Popovic, Maria (Trinity College Dublin. School of Physics. Discipline of Physics, 2023)
      In most situations of practical interest, quantum systems are not isolated from their surroundings but are interacting with an environment. The importance of such situations has been highlighted, for example, in the fields ...