Electronic & Electrical Eng (Scholarly Publications)
Recent Submissions
Enhancement of 5-Fluorouracil Drug Delivery in a Graphene Oxide Containing Electrospun Chitosan/PVP Construct
(2024)Electrospun nanofibrous mats, consisting of chitosan (CS) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), were constructed with the addition of graphene oxide (GO) for enhancement of delivery of the 5-Fluorouracil (5-Fu) chemotherapy ... -
Measurement inaccuracy reported via the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience database for an implantable pulmonary artery pressure sensor: recalibration direction and magnitude results
(2024)INTRODUCTION: Remote monitoring using an implantable pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) sensor (CardioMEMS HF system) in patients with heart failure (HF) has been consistently shown to reduce HF hospitalizations [1]. The ... -
Ultra-low field Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the human forearm in the arths Magnetic Field of Dublin, Ireland.
(2024)The aim of this work was to explore the limits and opportunities for ultra-low field Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the earth’s magnetic field at 50T (EF-MRI) in Dublin, Ireland. MRI normally requires high static magnetic ... -
Inaugural School of Engineering Research Symposium Book of Abstracts
(School of Engineering, 2023-10-23) -
Audial Kinetics and the Disembodied Voice
(Springer, 2022)This paper will explore the basic relationships between disembodied speech and aesthetic experience in sound art through an exploration of two original artworks, Rehearsal (2018) and Souvenir Redux (2019). The emphasis ... -
Soundscapes of a Century: The Art and Transmission of Irish Broadcasting's 100-Year Milestone
(2024)This article examines two renditions of an artwork titled 100, which celebrate a historic radio transmission in 1916 during the Irish war for independence. The centenary artwork delves into the concept of radio transmission ... -
(Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024)This article will explore and discuss how at night, our sonic perception shifts dramatically. It will ask what traditions and rituals we have developed for this unique experience and, more precisely, how in Irish Gaeilge ... -
Crosssampler: A Digital Convolution Cross Synthesis Instrument
(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2024)Convolutional Cross Synthesis (CCS) has emerged as a powerful technique for blending input signals to create hybrid sounds. It has significantly expanded the horizons of digital signal processing, enabling artists to ... -
Challenges to Demonstrating Efficacy When Translating Microwave Diagnostic Devices
(2023)Microwave interactions with biological tissues have been proposed and examined for medical diagnostics for over forty years, yet despite substantial academic and industrial interest, very few diagnostic devices are in ... -
Sounding Beckett: a practitioner’s perspective
(2023)This article discusses theatre sound design through the lens of a practitioner-researcher. What follows is a reflection on the process, context and significance of this practice within theatre arts. Initially touching on ... -
Developments in Open-Source Tools for Microwave Breast Imaging
(2024)Open-source models, datasets and toolboxes are becoming increasingly common in the microwave breast imaging literature, including numericial breast models, simulated and experimental datasets and imaging and analysis ... -
How inferior vena cava collapsibility index from a novel implantable sensor correlates with estimated plasma volume and NT-proBNP: a study in patients with chronic heart failure
(2023)Background: A new wireless implantable sensor can measure inferior vena cava (IVC) area and collapsibility index and was invented for remote monitoring in heart failure. Study objective: To evaluate the relationship ... -
(2016)The aim of the study was to perform a preliminary validation of a low cost markerless motion capture system (CAPTURE) against an industry gold standard (Vicon). Measurements of knee valgus and flexion during the performance ... -
Local Multi-Channel RF Surface Coil versus Body RF Coil Transmission for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance at 3 Tesla: Which Configuration Is Winning the Game?
(2016)Introduction: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of cardiac MR at 3 Tesla using local four-channel RF coil transmission and benchmark it against large volume body RF coil ... -
Low-Complexity Equalization and Detection for OTFS-NOMA
(2023)Orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modula- tion has recently emerged as a potential 6G candidate waveform which provides improved performance in high-mobility scenarios. In this paper we investigate the combination ... -
Low-Complexity Reliability-Based Equalization and Detection for OTFS-NOMA
(2023)Orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modula- tion has recently emerged as a potential 6G candidate waveform which provides improved performance in high-mobility scenarios. In this paper we investigate the combination ... -
Joint Channel Estimation and Equalization in Massive MIMO Using a Single Pilot Subcarrier
(2023)The focus of this letter is on the reduction of the large pilot overhead in orthogonal frequency division multi-plexing (OFDM) based massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We propose a novel joint channel ... -
Time and Frequency Synchronization for OTFS
(2022)In this letter, we propose timing offset (TO) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimators for orthogonal time frequency space modulation (OTFS). The proposed estimators do not require any additional training overheads ...