Now showing items 1-10 of 48
Key role for clumping factor B in Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization of humans.
Staphylococcus aureus permanently colonizes the vestibulum nasi of one-fifth of the human population, which is a risk factor for autoinfection. The precise mechanisms whereby S. aureus colonizes the nose are still unknown. ...
VirB-mediated positive feedback control of the virulence gene regulatory cascade of Shigella flexneri
Shigella flexneri is a facultative intracellular pathogen that relies on a type III secretion system and its associated effector proteins to cause bacillary dysentery in humans. The genes that encode this virulence system ...
The role of Staphylococcus aureus surface protein SasG in adherence and biofilm formation
Staphylococcus aureus colonizes the moist squamous epithelium of the anterior nares. One of the adhesins likely to be responsible is the S. aureus surface protein G (SasG), which has sequence similarity with the proteins ...
Complement regulator C4BP binds to Staphylococcus aureus surface proteins SdrE and Bbp inhibiting bacterial opsonization and killing.
Staphylococcus aureus is a premier human pathogen and the most common cause of osteoarticular, wound, and implanted device infections. We recently demonstrated S. aureus efficiently binds the classical complement regulator ...
Molecular characterization of the interaction of staphylococcal microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMS) ClfA and Fbl with fibrinogen
The ligand binding domain of the fibrinogen binding protein from Staphylococcus lugdunensis (Fbl) shares 60% sequence identity with clumping factor A (ClfA) of Staphylococcus aureus. Recombinant Fbl corresponding to the ...
The effect of mobile element IS10 on experimental regulatory evolution in Escherichia coli
Mobile genetic elements are widespread in bacteria, where they cause several kinds of mutations. Although their effects are on the whole negative, rare beneficial mutations caused by insertion sequence elements are frequently ...
H-NS silences gfp, the Green Fluorescent Protein gene: gfpTCD is a genetically remastered gfp gene with reduced susceptibility to H-NS-mediated transcription silencing and with enhanced translation
The bacterial nucleoid-associated protein H-NS, which preferentially targets and silences A+T-rich genes, binds the ubiquitous reporter gene gfp and dramatically reduces local transcription. We have redesigned gfp to reduce ...
Telomeric ORFs (TLOs) in Candida spp. Encode mediator subunits that regulate distinct virulence traits.
genes are a family of telomere-associated ORFs in the fungal pathogens
Candida albicans
C. dubliniensis
encode a subunit of the Mediator complex with homology to Med2. The more virulent pathogen
C. ...