Now showing items 1-10 of 33
The Climate Change Response Bill 2010: An Assessment
(ESRI, 25/01/2011)
Climate change is an important problem. It would be desirable to have legislation that would put Ireland on a low-cost and equitable trajectory to a zero-carbon economy. The draft Climate Change Response Bill 2010 will not ...
The Economic Impact of Climate Change in the 20th Century
(ESRI, 22/02/2011)
The national version of FUND3.6 is used to infrapolate the impacts of climate change to the 20th century. Carbon dioxide fertilization of crops and reduced energy demand for heating are the main positive impacts. Climate ...
Public Policy Towards the Sale of State Assets in Troubled Times: Lessons from the Irish Experience
(ESRI, 10/10/2010)
Governments throughout the western world and beyond are in the midst of a severe financial crisis and emerging from a sharp recession. Ireland is no exception. One of the options for strengthening public finances is the ...
Trade Liberalisation and Climate Change: A CGE Analysis of the Impacts on Global Agriculture
(ESRI, 2011)
Based on predicted changes in the magnitude and distribution of global precipitation, temperature and river flow under the IPCC SRES A1B and A2 scenarios, this study assesses the potential impacts of climate change and CO2 ...
The Uncertainty about the Total Economic Impact of Climate Change
(ESRI, 14/04/2011)
This paper uses a vote-counting procedure to estimate the probability density function of the total economic impact as a parabolic function of global warming. There is a wide range of uncertainty about the impact of climate ...
Trends in Air Pollution in Ireland: A Decomposition Analysis
(ESRI, 13/02/2012)
Trends in the emissions to air of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and ammonia in Ireland are analysed with a logarithmic mean Divisia index decomposition for the period of ...
Determinants of Vegetarianism and Partial Vegetarianism in the United Kingdom
(ESRI, 29/10/2010)
Vegetarianism is increasing in the western world. Anecdotally, this trend can be attributed to heightened health, environmental and animal welfare concerns. In this paper we investigate the factors associated with vegetarianism ...
The Research Output of Business Schools and Business Scholars in Ireland
(ESRI, 2010)
The research performance of business scholars on the island of Ireland is evaluated based on their number of publication, number of citations, h-index and the same divided by the numbers of years since the first publication. ...
Regional and Sectoral Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon: An Application of FUND
(ESRI, 2011)
The social cost of carbon is an estimate of the benefit of reducing CO2 emissions by one ton today. As such it is a key input into cost-benefit analysis of climate policy and regulation. We provide a set of new estimates ...
Poverty Traps and Climate Change
(ESRI, 09/11/2011)
We use a demo-economic model to examine the question of whether climate change could widen or deepen poverty traps. The model includes two crucial mechanisms. Parents are risk averse when deciding how many children to have; ...