Browsing English (Scholarly Publications) by Title
Now showing items 32-51 of 53
Reading Rooms: Fostering Constructive and Inclusive Dialogue Between Communities
(TARA, 2022)This report provides the findings from an inter-disciplinary project that sought to investigate and advance the potential of shared reading groups to promote purposeful and meaningful dialogue among Northern Ireland interface ... -
(2013) -
Review of The Rogue Narrative and Irish Fiction, 1660-1790 by Joe Lines
(2022)There was a time when Maria Edgeworth’s Castle Rackrent, first published in 1800, was considered the “first truly Irish novel.” Back in 1988, when the critic James Cahalan made this claim, the words “first,” “Irish,” ... -
Samuel Ferguson and the Culture of Nineteenth-Century Ireland
(Four Courts, 2004) -
Screaming for Champions
(2022)This short piece reflects on screaming and female rage in response to pregnancy and childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic. This piece reflects on my daughter's expert screaming and my own (wasted) efforts trying to pacify ... -
Soft Skills in Hard Places: the changing face of DH training in European research infrastructures
(2017)[Extract from the Introduction] Research Infrastructures are becoming an increasingly distinct presence in the landscape of the digital humanities, creating unique research ecosystems that interact with, but remain ... -
'Staging an Irish Enlightenment'
(Cambridge University Press, 2019) -
Sustainability of Digital Humanities Projects as a Publication and Documentation Challenge
(2020)This paper proposes a new perspective on the enormous and unresolved challenge to existing practices of publication and documentation posed by the outputs of digital research projects in the humanities, where much good ... -
Teaching Literary Responses to the Black Death During the COVID 19 Pandemic
(2020)In this paper, I provide a case study about the experience of teaching literary responses to the Black Death online during the recent closure of universities in Ireland. I outline the rationale for teaching the module, ... -
<teiPublisher>: Bridging the Gap Between a Simple Set of Structured Documents and a Functional Digital Library
(2004)Digital Libraries are complex systems that take a long time to create and tailor to specific requirements [1]. Their implementation requires special- ized computer skills, which are not usually found within humanities ... -
"This is a Political Play": Making Coriolanus Relevant in Contemporary Iran
(2024)This article traces the performance history of Shakespeare’s Coriolanus in Iran, focusing on the most recent production of the play directed by Mostafa Koushki (b. 1984), performed between 2019 and 2020 in Tehran, Iran, ... -
'Trinity Professors versus Men of Letters: Ferguson, Dowden and De Vere'
(2022)This essay considers the relationships between Samuel Ferguson, Edward Dowden, and Aubrey de Vere in the late nineteenth century. In evaluating Ferguson’s career shortly after the poet’s death in 1886, W. B. Yeats considered ... -
Why Does Mary Weep? Emotion and Gender in Advent lines 164-213 (Advent Lyric VII)
(2021)This article re-reads Lyric VII of the poem Advent, the dialogue of Mary and Joseph. The division of speeches in this lyric has been debated, largely on grounds of the plausibility of the emotions that are apparently ... -
A Winter in Bath, 1796-97: Life Writing and the Irish Adolescent Self
(University of Groningen Press, 2021)The diary form affords multiple generations of women with a vehicle for expressing themselves, and is particularly germane to younger writers, developing a voice, and shaping a sense of self as they emerge from childhood. ... -
Yeats's Re-Enchanted Nature
(2018)[From the introductory paragraphs] [...] Yeats’s image of post-Enlightenment mankind as “passive” before nature hints at his interest in magic and mysticism, as well as his desire to search in and through nature and its ...