Browsing English (Scholarly Publications) by Title
Now showing items 5-24 of 53
CENDARI s Grand Challenges: Building, Contextualising and Sustaining a New Knowledge Infrastructure.
(2013)In its widest sense, infrastructure allows us as finite individuals to achieve beyond our individual capacity to know, to do, to see. But even within the more narrow context of research infrastructures, broad and diverse ... -
The CENDARI White Book of Archives
(2016)Over the course of its four year project timeline, the CENDARI project has collected archival descriptions and metadata in various formats from a broad range of cultural heritage institutions. These data were drawn together ... -
Civility, patriotism and performance: Cato and the Irish history play
(Cambridge University Press, 2019) -
Data, Metadata, Narrative. Barriers to the Reuse of Cultural Sources.?
(Springer, 2017) -
Determining Value for Digital Humanities Tools: Report on a Survey of Tool Developers
(2010)While the purpose and direction of tools and tool development for the Digital Humanities have been debated in various forums, the value of tool development as a scholarly activity has seen little discussion. As a way of ... -
Digital Humanities: Centres and Peripheries
(2012)This paper explores a history of humanities computing over the past decade as embodied in or represented by A Companion to Digital Humanities -
Digital Representation and the Hyper Real
(2010)This article explores mimesis from two distinct but not unrelated aspects of digital technology. The first part explores the relationship between digital surrogates and their analogue counterparts; how familiar terms like ... -
Electronic Editing
(Modern Language Association, 2012) -
`Eumaeus': Literally the Antepenultimate Episode
(2022)Of the various threads woven into the definitions of Modernism, one is the element of style. One can trace this emphasis on style back to Flaubert’s famous claim, from a letter from January 1852, apropos Madame Bovary: “What ... -
'European Elephants in the Room (are they the ones with the bigger or smaller ears?)
(Rice University Press, 2010)On 4 August 1914 Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary, reportedly stood in front of his office window looking out onto the dawn of St James Park as the street lamps were being extinguished and famously declared: ... -
"'Foul, strange and unnatural': Poison as a murder weapon in English Renaissance drama"
(2020)Less spectacular than theatrical violence involving bloodshed, stage murder by poison is nonetheless unsettling because of its secretive nature. Perceived in Renaissance England as dishonorable and unmanly, poison was ... -
Friel and his 'Sisters'
(2010)This essay, occasioned by a revival of Brian Friel?s version of Chekhov?s Three Sisters at the Abbey Theatre in 2008, considers the circumstances surrounding its first production by the Field Day Theatre Company in 1981, ... -
From Enniskillen to Nairobi: The Coles in British East Africa
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2019)In the opening decades of the twentieth century a close connection was forged between Ireland and British East Africa (or the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya as it became in 1920) by three of the children of the fourth ... -
Horace Dorrington, criminal detective: investigating the re-emergence of the rogue in Arthur Morrison s The Dorrington Deed-Box (1897).
(2010)Regarding The Dorrington Deed-Box (1897), Arthur Morrison’s critically neglected second contribution to the post–Sherlock Holmes detective short story genre, the author argues that as Dorrington is both a detective and ... -
Illustrations from the Wellcome Library William Winstanley's pestilential poesies in "The Christians refuge: or heavenly antidotes against the plague in this time of generall contagion to which is added the charitable physician (1665)"
(PubMed Central, 2011)During the Great Plague of London (1665), William Winstanley veered from his better known roles as arbiter of success and failure in his works of biography or as a comic author under the pseudonym Poor Robin, and instead ... -
Imperial Refugee: Olivia Manning's Fictions of War
(Cork University Press, 2012) -
Introduction to European Women in Early Modern
(2017)Introduction to the Special Issue of EMLS, entitled "European Women in Early Modern English Drama". -
Ireland, Revolution, and the English Modernist Imagination
(Oxford University Press, 2022)This book asks how English authors of the early to mid-twentieth century responded to the nationalist revolution in neighbouring Ireland in their work and explores this response as an expression of anxieties about, and ... -
The Irish Masque at Court (1613)
(The Literary Dictionary Company, 2013)