Browsing by Author "LUZ, SATURNINO"
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
Achieving Diagnosis by Consensus
KANE, BRIDGET; LUZ, SATURNINO (2009)This paper provides an analysis of the collaborative work conducted at a multidisciplinary medical team meeting, where a patient's definitive diagnosis is agreed, by consensus. The features that distinguish this process ... -
Assimilating Information and Offering a Medical Opinion in Remote and Co-located Meetings
LUZ, SATURNINO; KANE, BRIDGET THERESA (IEEE, 2009)Discussion on patient data, among hospital staff, plays an increasingly important role in inter-specialist communication. Effectiveness of a discussion depends, among other factors, on how well its participants perceive, ... -
Automatic Identification of Experts and Performance Prediction in the Multimodal Math Data Corpus through Analysis of Speech Interaction
LUZ, SATURNINO (ACM Press, 2013)An analysis of multiparty interaction in the problem solving sessions of the Multimodal Math Data Corpus is presented. The analysis focuses on non-verbal cues extracted from the audio tracks. Algorithms for expert ... -
Capturing multimodal interaction at medical meetings in a hospital setting: Opportunities and Challenges
Collaboration and multimedia: identifying equilibrium in the MDT information ecosystem
LUZ, SATURNINO; KANE, BRIDGET (ACM, 2012)his study of collaboration among a multidisciplinary team of healthcare workers demonstrates that elements intrinsic to the interaction constitute a delicate ecosystem. As the balance between actors, digital media and paper ... -
Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules
LUZ, SATURNINO (IEEE, 2011)A mosaic chart has been proposed for representation of events on a timeline. While early studies demonstrated the effectiveness of mosaics in supporting visualization of multimedia records on a meeting browser, the usability ... -
Cross-cultural assessment of automatically generated multimodal referring expressions in a virtual world
LUZ, SATURNINO (2012)This paper presents an assessment of automatically generated multimodal referring expressions as produced by embodied conversational agents in a virtual world. The algorithm used for this purpose employs general principles ... -
Designing a Serious Game for Community-Based Disease Prevention in the Amazon
LUZ, SATURNINO (ACM Press, 2014) -
Disease surveillance and patient care in remote regions: an exploratory study of collaboration among healthcare professionals in Amazonia
LUZ, SATURNINO (2013)The development and deployment of information technology, particularly mobile tools, to support collaboration between different groups of healthcare professionals has been viewed as a promising way to improve disease ... -
"Do No Harm": Fortifying MDT Collaboration in Changing Technological Times
KANE, BRIDGET THERESA; LUZ, SATURNINO (2013)Purpose: To examine the changes in multidisciplinary medical team activity and practices, with respect to the amount of patient cases, the information needs and technology used, with up to 10 multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) ... -
Fieldwork for requirements: Frameworks for mobile healthcare applications
LUZ, SATURNINO; DOHERTY, GAVIN; MC KNIGHT, JOSEPH (Elsevier, 2010)Ethnographic approaches to study of work in the field have been widely adopted by HCI researchersas resources for investigation of work settings and for requirements elicitation. Although the value of fieldwork for design ... -
Information sharing at multidisciplinary medical team meetings
Multidisciplinary team meetings and their impact on work-flow in Radiology and Pathology Departments
KANE, BRIDGET THERESA; LUZ, SATURNINO; O'BRIAIN, DONAL SEAN (2007)Background The development of multidisciplinary team meetings (MDTMs) for radiology and pathology is a burgeoning area that increasingly impacts on work processes in both of these departments. The aim of this study was ... -
The non-verbal structure of patient case discussions in multidisciplinary medical team meetings
LUZ, SATURNINO (2012)Meeting analysis has a long theoretical tradition in social psychology, with established practical rami?cations in computer science, especially in computer supported cooperative work. More recently, a good deal of research ... -
On-Talk and Off-Talk Detection: A Discrete Wavelet Transform Analysis of Electroencephalogram
HAIDER, FASIH; AKIRA, HAYAKAWA; LUZ, SATURNINO; VOGEL, CARL; CAMPBELL, NICK (2018)Spoken interaction with a machine results in a behaviour that is not very common in face-to-face human communication: Off-Talk, which is defined as speech utterances that are not directed to an immediate interlocutor, the ... -
Perception Changes With and Without a Video Channel: A Study from a Speech-to-Speech, Machine Translation Mediated Map Task
Perception of Movement and Orientation in Digital Medical Imaging
Predicting cognitive load levels from speech data
LUZ, SATURNINO (Springer, 2015)An analysis of acoustic features for a ternary cognitive load classification task and an application of a classification boosting method to the same task are presented. The analysis is based on a data set that ... -
Restructuring multimodal interaction data for browsing and search
LUZ, SATURNINO (CRC Press, 2014) -
Shared Decision Making Needs a Communication Record
KANE, BRIDGET; LUZ, SATURNINO (ACM, 2013)Increasing dependability in collaboration work among health professionals will directly improve patient outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs. Our research examines the development of a shared visual display to facilitate ...