Browsing Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Taught Masters, Erasmus Mundus (Theses & Dissertations) by Title
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Acoustic particle velocity measurement by ultra-light membrane and its applications in acoustic holography
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Engineering. Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, 2007)Acoustic holography is a non-destructive method used to determine the spatial propagation of acoustical waves. Conventionally, the acoustic holography measures the acoustic pressure. Until recently, a very limited number ... -
Analysis of the Potential of DynaFlexPro as a Modeling Software by its Application in the Roll Stability of Heavy-Duty Elliptical Tankers using Trammel Pendulum to Simulate Fluid Sloshing
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Engineering. Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, INSA Lyon, 2007)One of the most common ways for commercial vehicles to loose their stability is by rollover. Partially filled heavy-duty tankers manoeuvring constant radius turns or lane change maneuvers have lower rollover threshold than ... -
Analysis of the rough contact in axisymmetric upsetting
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Engineering. Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, 2007)Characterization of surface roughness is important in the frictional behavior of two contact surfaces. In general, it has been found that friction increases with average roughness. The prediction of friction and stress/ ... -
The Engineering Investigation of the Water Flow past the Butterfly Valve
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Engineering. Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, 2007)This paper presents a numerical simulation of flow past the butterfly valve in static and dynamic analysis using commercial fluid dynamics software FLUENT. In static analysis, the positions of the disk were set to be 0 ( ... -
Study of Parallel implementation of Computational codes
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Engineering. Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, 2008-11-05)The use of computers to solve scientific problems is abundant and almost a need of the day. As the complexity of the problems increased, the need to get fast and accurate results has also taken an altogether different ... -
The Use of CFD for Investigating Fluidelastic Instability in Tube Arrays
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Engineering. Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, 2007)There are several applications of tube arrays subject to cross flow in the industry, mostly for heat exchanging. These tubes are subject to forces arising due to the flow, and under certain conditions they can experience ...