Browsing Student Teacher Educational Research (STER) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 50
An Action Research Project using the Dialogic Story Reading Approach with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
(STER, 2020-04)Research has shown that dialogic storytelling is an effective literacy intervention for children who are typically developing, and also for children with ASD (Whalon et al., 2013). This research investigated how dialogic ... -
‘AIMing’ for the Target: How has Policy on Inclusion Evolved since the 1990’s in Ireland
(2019-04)This article provides an overview of how inclusion policy for children with additional needs (AN) in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) has evolved in Ireland since the 1990’s. The motivation for this study is the ... -
Aistear: A Journey Under Construction and Every Voice Matters
(2019-04)This research study sets out to investigate Early Years Teachers’ (EYTs’) engagement with Aistear - the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) settings in Ireland. It will explore ... -
‘Are Mindfulness Techniques Practised in the Early Years Setting?’: A Study of the Use of Mindfulness in the Early Years
(TARA, 2021-04)This research aimed to gain insight into early years educators’ understanding of mindfulness and its; effects, as well as their perceptions regarding its practice with young children. -
Attitudes towards immigrant children and their home languages within the Irish education system.
(STER, 2022-04)This article explores the position and importance attributed to immigrant children’s home languages within the Irish education system. In particular, it examines teachers’ perceptions towards using immigrant children’s ... -
The Books are Harder: Enhancing the Teaching of Reading Comprehension in The Senior Primary Classes
(STER, 2024-04)This research describes the experiences of a final year BEd student undertaking school placement with a cohort of sixth class students in an urban non-disadvantaged Irish primary school with a class size of twenty eight ... -
Competence and Confidence of Newly Qualified Teachers in Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs in School Settings
(STER, 2020-04)This article uses documentary analysis to outline the journey of inclusion on an international platform and how that has influenced our educational landscape in Ireland. The research explores the experiences and challenges ... -
Connecting Students with Nature: An Investigation into Outdoor Education
(TARA, 2021-04)Outdoor education can be utilised to develop connections between students and the natural environment as well as promoting resilience and risk taking and benefitting social development and physical and mental wellbeing. ... -
Dissecting Diversity: Experiences of migrant and minority student populations in SETU Carlow
(STER, 2024)This paper will outline findings from a study that examined the experiences of education inclusion and exclusion for migrant and minority ethnic students at SETU Carlow. The study sought to answer whether or not access ... -
Distributed Leadership - A ‘Happily Ever After' for the Post-Primary School?
(2019)Once upon a time in the domain of post-primary education, principals reigned supreme assisted only in matters of management by their deputies. The time for this heroic, hierarchical style of leadership has long passed, ... -
The effect of ‘The Colour of Home’ on teaching and learning about diversity in the Primary School.
(STER, 2022-04)This dissertation has been inspired by my specialism in Geography in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick under the supervision of Dr. Anne M. Dolan. My experience in school was very positive and perhaps this has guided me ... -
Effort and Belief Pedagogies in a Post Primary DEIS context
(STER, 2024)This article aims to highlight teacher awareness about wellbeing pedagogies that consider the PISA 2018 wellbeing metrics, related to a DEIS setting. PISA 2018 investigated growth mindset, self-efficacy and meaning in ... -
ENABLING TRANSITIONS: Insights from Learners’ Transitional Experiences on a Further to Higher Education Bridging Programme
(TARA, 2021-04)This research investigates the transitional experiences of a group of learners on a unique bridging programme between an FE and a HE college, the NAVET programme. The programme is unique because the learners attend subject ... -
An examination of the benefits of incorporating aspects of play therapy, speech and language therapy and physiotherapy into the classroom for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to enhance their educational experience.
(STER, 2024-04)This dissertation seeks to examine how the implementation of elements of play therapy, speech and language therapy (SLT) and physiotherapy into the classroom of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can enhance ... -
An Exploration into the Experiences of LGBTQ+ Primary School Teachers in Ireland
(TARA, 2021-04)This paper critically analyses how school culture affects primary school teachers in Ireland who are members of the LGBTQ+ community and identify ways in which LGBTQ+ issues can be addressed in schools. It also examined ... -
Exploring Early Years Educators’ Psychological and Financial Well-being in Non-profit and For-profit Early Years Settings in Ireland
(TARA, 2021-04)This research study investigates the effects of working conditions on early years educators' psychological and financial wellbeing in both non-profit and for-profit early years settings in Ireland. In particular, it focuses ... -
Exploring Performances of LGBTQ Sexualities in Irish Primary Schools
(STER, 2020-04)This research set out to explore the performances of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer) sexualities in a selection of Irish Primary Schools in 2019, looking specifically at how performances of sexuality are ... -
Exploring Prison Educators’ Perspectives on What Strategies They Deem as Being Effective When Supporting Prisoners as Learners
(TARA, 2021-04)This article examines the prison education system in Ireland, in particular, prison educators’ perspectives on prison education, what teaching strategies they use and deem effective when supporting prisoners as learners -
Exploring Student-Teacher Attitudes to Interculturalism
(STER, 2018-04)This research project wishes to determine the outlooks, attitudes, and confidence of student-teachers towards promoting interculturalism in their future classrooms. Given that student-teachers are exposed to the most ... -
Exploring Teachers’ Experiences of Inclusion Strategies for Deaf Children in Mainstream Primary Schools
(STER, 2019-04)This study aims to highlight the strategies used to meet the needs of the deaf children in their class. By doing so, teachers’ competencies in teaching deaf children in mainstream schools, alongside their views of the ...