On the necessity for prompt measures for the suppression of intemperance and drunkenness
Haughton, James, 'On the necessity for prompt measures for the suppression of intemperance and drunkenness'. - Dublin: Dublin Statistical Society,Vol.II, Part XI, 1858, pp166-177Download Item:
It would be highly improper for me to occupy your time at any
great length with an expression of my opinions as to the evils
arising from these usages, and the intemperance and drunkenness
which result from them. My purpose is to bring, as strongly as I
can within the limited period of time your rules allow of, such a
view of these evils as may awaken our members to the necessity for the adoption of more decided measures for their speedy extinction than have yet been taken by local bodies or by the state.
A paper read before the Statistical section of the British Association in Dublin, on the 31st August, 1857
Author: Haughton, James
Dublin Statistical SocietyType of material:
Journal articleCollections
Series/Report no:
Journal of the Dublin Statistical SocietyVol.II, Part XI, 1858
Full text availableKeywords:
Temperance, Intemperance, Alcoholism, Alcohol abuseISSN:
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