The progress of the colony of Victoria
Webb, Alfred. 'The progress of the colony of Victoria'. - Dublin: Dublin Statistical Society,Vol.1, Part VII, 1856, pp361-372Download Item:
How has it happened that the colony of Victoria ? occupying a
central position with regard to the other Australian colonies, and
possessing a fine soil, a genial climate, and greater mineral wealth
than any other part of the globe ? has caused disappointment and
ruin to thousands of emigrants, and even became at one time the
scene of bloodshed and civil war ? This is the question which I
shall this evening attempt to answer: not so much from statistical
details as from my own observations made on the spot.
Read 16th June, 1856
Author: Webb, Alfred
Dublin Statistical SocietyType of material:
Journal articleCollections
Series/Report no:
Journal of the Dublin Statistical SocietyVol.1, Part VII, 1856
Full text availableKeywords:
Victoria, AustraliaISSN:
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