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dc.contributor.authorLawson, James A.
dc.identifier.citationLawson, James A., 'The expediency of a cheap land tribunal'. - Dublin: Dublin Statistical Society,Vol.1, Part VI, 1856, pp303-311en
dc.descriptionRead April 21st, 1856en
dc.description.abstractThe subject which I wish to bring under the notice of the Society this evening is, the expediency of establishing a cheap Land Tribunal. In my opinion such a tribunal is very much required, and I do not limit this observation to Ireland; I think the very same necessity exists in England and Scotland. By a Land Tribunal, I mean a tribunal having the power to decide upon the ownership of land, authoritatively, conclusively, and finally, unless appealed from ; and, as incident to this jurisdiction, having power to determine all questions relating to the charges affecting it, and the mode in which its proceeds, when sold, are distributable: I think the public should be entitled to have the aid of this tribunal whenever a sale of land is desired. When I speak of a cheap tribunal, I mean a tribunal having its judges and officers paid by the state, and consequently exacting no fees from those who resort to it, and requiring from the suitor no payment except that which he must make to his own professional advisers? just as the transfer of government stock at present costs the seller and buyer nothing except brokerage. I shall first state my reasons for thinking that such a tribunal ought to exist. I shall, secondly, endeavour to answer some objections which have been urged against it; and thirdly, I shall make some suggestions as to the mode in which such a jurisdiction ought to be called into operation.en
dc.format.extent548766 bytes
dc.publisherDublin Statistical Societyen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of the Dublin Statistical Societyen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.1, Part VI, 1856en
dc.relation.haspartVol. [No.], [Year]en
dc.subjectLand Tribunalen
dc.titleThe expediency of a cheap land tribunalen
dc.typeJournal articleen

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