Now showing items 88-91 of 91

    • Uneven economic development and its implications for policy: Lessons from the UK 

      Overman, Henry G. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2018)
      This paper examines the UK’s large and, by some measures, growing variation in economic performance across cities and regions and assesses how policymakers can and should respond. The traditional policy mix – including ...
    • Union membership in Ireland since 2003 

      Walsh, Frank (Statistical and Social Inquiry Statistical Society of Ireland, 2015)
      Using data from the Quarterly National Household Survey supplemented with some data from the European Social Survey we document a steady decline in union density in Ireland since 2003. While the great recession appeared ...
    • Wealthier and healthier: Ireland's demographic catch-up 

      Walsh, Brendan M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2008)
      In the first half of this paper I summarise the trend in Irish deaths rates over the period 1973-2006. In the second half I discuss some possible explanations of these trends.
    • Who is the Populist Irish Voter? 

      Reidy, Theresa; Suiter, Jane (SSISI, 2017)
      Across the EU, the Great Recession begot economic and political crisis heralding a renewed march towards populism and party system fragmentation. Much commentary about Ireland remarked on the absence of a populist surge ...