Browsing ESRI Series: Books and monographs Published by Other Agencies by Date of Publication
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
International Investment and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Small Open Economies
(ETLA - The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, 01/03/2013)This paper examines the causal link between foreign investment and firm performance in six small open economies in the European Union. Specifically, using micro data for manufacturing and services over the period 2001?2009, ... -
Annual Monitoring Report on Integration 2010
(ESRI/The Integration Centre, 04/05/2011)This Integration Monitor, the ?rst of its kind in Ireland, seeks to measure migrant integration in four life domains ? employment, education, social inclusion and active citizenship. The indicators follow those ... -
Choices and Challenges: Moving from Junior Cycle to Senior Cycle Education
(The Liffey Press in association with ESRI, NCCA and Department of Education & Skills, 09/09/2011)This study examines the experiences of young people as they make the transition from junior cycle (lower secondary) to senior cycle (upper secondary) education. It is part of a series of reports which explore stu- dent ... -
Work and Poverty in Ireland: An Analysis of CSO Survey on Income and Living Conditions 2004-2010
(ESRI and Social Inclusion Division of Department of Social Protection, 11/12/2012)a new research report on Work and Poverty in Ireland by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) is published. The report measures changes in the level of jobless households (households where adults spend less ... -
Analysing the Experience of Discrimination in Ireland: Evidence from the QNHS Equality Module 2010
(The Equality Authority and the ESRI, 14/12/2012)In 2010, 12% of adults in Ireland said that they were discriminated against in the preceding two years, according to a new report published today (Friday 14 December) by the ESRI and the Equality Authority. The highest ... -
Ethnicity and Nationality in the Irish Labour Market: Evidence from the QNHS Equality Module 2010
(The Equality Authority and the ESRI, 16/01/2013)According to a report published today (Wednesday 16th January) by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and the Equality Authority, immigrants did not fare as well on average as Irish nationals in the Irish ... -
Disability in the Irish Labour Market: Evidence from the QNHS Equality Module 2010
(The Equality Authority and the ESRI, 16/01/2013)In 2010, working-age people with a disability were less than half as likely to be active in the labour market (36% compared to 77% of other adults) and had a considerably higher unemployment rate (22% compared to 16% of ... -
Immigration of International Students to the EU: Ireland
(Report prepared for the European Commission Directorate-General Home Affairs & published by the ESRI, 17/12/2012)This study provides an overview of the immigration policies that are being implemented regarding international students. This report is particularly timely in Ireland, as it follows a period of significant policy activity ... -
No Way Back? The Dynamics of Early School Leaving
(The Liffey Press in association with The ESRI, NCCA & Department of Education & Science, 2010)Education is a key determinant of adult life chances across Western societies and is especially so in Ireland. Young people with higher levels of educational qualifications are more likely to access high quality employment ... -
From Leaving Certificate to Leaving School: A Longitudinal Study of Sixth Year Students
(The Liffey Press in association with ESRI, NCCA and Department of Education & Skills, 2011)Current debates about senior cycle education in Ireland have raised a number of crucial questions: What effect does the Leaving Certificate exam have on young people?s learning experiences? What helps students to do well ... -
Labour Market Models in the EU
(CEPS, 2011)In the European Union, the most important labour market models that have been proposed for labour market reform are flexicurity and the transitional labour market. In this position paper, we conceptualise the models of ... -
A Social Portrait of People with Disabilities in Ireland
(Department of Social Protection and ESRI, 2011)This report ? A Social Portrait of People with Disabilities in Ireland ? examines the circumstances of people with disabilities in Ireland. It is one of a series of Social Portraits on vulnerable groups in Ireland commissioned ... -
School Sector Variation among Primary Schools in Ireland
(ESRI / Educate Together, 2012) -
Winners and Losers? The Equality Impact of the Great Recession in Ireland
(The Equality Authority and the ESRI, 2014) -
Review of the Droichead Teacher Induction Pilot Programme
(ESRI and The Teaching Council, 2016) -
Hidden versus revealed attitudes: A list experiment on support for minorities in Ireland
(ESRI and Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC), 2020-07-29)New research published today reveals the gap between what people say in public about their attitudes to minorities in Ireland, and what they say when afforded anonymity. The study challenges previous assumptions about ... -
Social Transfers and Deprivation in Ireland: A study of cash and non-cash payments tied to housing, childcare, and primary health care services
(ESRI and the Department of Social Protection, 2020-11-17)A ESRI study commissioned by the Department of Social Protection found that tied cash and non-cash transfers are associated with lower deprivation, especially among vulnerable families. The authors considered benefits tied ... -
Poverty, income inequality and living standards in Ireland
(ESRI, The Community Foundation for Ireland, 2021-05-14) -
Understanding Childhood Deprivation in Ireland
(ESRI and Social Inclusion Division of Department of Social Protection, 26/04/2012)