α-Lactalbumin-oleic acid complex : structure function dynamics
Yongjing Xie, 'α-Lactalbumin-oleic acid complex : structure function dynamics', [thesis], Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Biochemistry and Immunology, 2015, pp 289Download Item:
Human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells (HAMLET) and its analogues are partially unfolded protein-oleic acid complexes that exhibit selective tumoricidal activity normally absent in the native protein itself, in order to understand the nature of the interaction between a-lactalbumin and oleic acid moieties, charge-specific chemical modifications of lysine residues involving citraconylation, acetylation and guanidination were employed and the biophysical and biological properties of the wild type and chemically modified bovine a-lactalbumin-oleic acid complexes were characterized.
Author: Xie, Yongjing
Hun Mok, KennethQualification name:
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)Publisher:
Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Biochemistry and ImmunologyNote:
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