Statistics to illustrate the connexion between ignorance and crime
Haughton, James. 'Statistics to illustrate the connexion between ignorance and crime'. - Dublin: Transactions of the Dublin Statistical Society, Vol III Session 5, 1851/1852, pp.1-13Download Item:
I purpose, on the present occasion, to bring before the
Society some facts in relation to education, that I have obtained
from a few authentic documents which have come under my notice.
From these it will appear that there is a striking coincidence between
the crimes which are committed in our country, and the ignorance
which too generally prevails among our population. If it would be
unwise, from such premises, to arrive at the conclusion that ignorance
? or the absence of intellectual cultivation?is the main cause of
crime in Ireland; it will, at least, be seen that a large proportion of
our criminal offenders are unacquainted with the rudiments of school
education; and that even of those who have made any progress in
such knowledge, the small amount they have arrived at is designated
by the terms, "could read and write" or "could read and write
Read February 16th 1852
Author: Haughton, James
Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of IrelandType of material:
Journal articleCollections
Series/Report no:
Transactions of the Dublin Statistical SocietyVol. III Session 5 1851/1852
Full text availableKeywords:
Criminal statistics, Universal educationISSN:
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