Abstract of a paper on "Railway reform, or the policy of the purchase and management by the British Government of the railways of the United Kingdom"
Greer, Samuel M. 'Abstract of a paper on "Railway reform, or the policy of the purchase and management by the British Government of the railways of the United Kingdom" '. - Dublin: Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland,Vol. IV, Part XXIX, 1865, pp165-166Download Item:
Several passages were quoted from a valuable treatise by Mr. William Galt, of London, printed originally for private circulation, but now about to be published, which advocates the policy of having all the railways of the United Kingdom purchased by the Government, and employed for the service of the people at the lowest rate that would be found practicable without loss to the revenue.
With regard to the management of the railways when in the hands of the government, Mr. Galt recommended a board of twenty-four members to be appointed by the leading railway companies, of whom four should represent Irish lines, and four Scotch lines, the board, of course, to be presided over like the Indian council by a member of the Government.
Read, Tuesday, 13th December, 1864
Author: Greer, Samuel M.
Other Titles:
Railway reform, or the policy of the purchase and management by the British Government of the railways of the United KingdomPublisher:
Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of IrelandType of material:
Journal articleCollections
Series/Report no:
Journal of The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of IrelandVol. IV, Part XXIX, 1865
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