Covariate models for accident data
MacKenzie, Gilbert. 'Covariate models for accident data'. - Dublin: Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland,Vol. XXV No. 3, 1985/1986, pp71-95Download Item:
The statistical analysis of accident data has
historically relied on the mathematical precepts of
classical discrete distribution theory Since the first test
of the standard null ("pure chance") hypothesis on accident
mortality data, relating to horse-kicks in ten Prussian Army
Corps during 1875-1894 (von Bortkiewicz, 1898), various
models have been advanced to explain departure from
Poisson's (1837) law.
The ostensibly separate hypotheses of "proneness"
(termed "unequal liability" Greenwood and Yule (1920) and
"false contagion" by others Bates, et al , (1952), and
"contagion" have received extensive attention in the
literature (Newbold, 1927, Anscombe, 1950, Bliss and Fisher,
1953, Neyman, 1939, Cresswell and Froggatt, 1963, Kemp and
Kemp, 1965 and Kemp, 19670). However, despite considerable
development of the associated statistical models, formidable
problems of interpretation remain (Froggatt, 1968a).
Read before the Society, 12 December 1985
Author: MacKenzie, Gilbert
Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of IrelandType of material:
Journal articleCollections
Series/Report no:
Journal of The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of IrelandVol. XXV No. 3 1985/1986
Full text availableKeywords:
Accident data, Statistical modelsISSN:
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