Browsing Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Complete Archive 2002- by Title
Now showing items 9-28 of 47
Forty years of Irish planning: an overview
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2004)The planning system has achieved much under very difficult and sometimes hostile circumstances. Much of our history exhibits the evidence of social divisions and, in recent times, a growing sense of individualism and the ... -
Front cover & preliminary pages (Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Vol.1 (No. 1), 2002
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2002)The publication of the Journal of Irish Urban Studies marks a growing recognition of the importance of urban-related issues in Irish society. It has been establlshcd as a forum for the dissemination of researeh and the ... -
Front cover & preliminary pages (Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Vol.1 (No. 2), 2003
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2002)Front cover & preliminary pages, Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Vol.1 (Issue 2), 2002 -
Front cover & preliminary pages (Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Vol.2 (No. 1), 2003
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2003)Front cover & preliminary pages, Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Vol.2 (Issue 1), 2003 -
Front cover & preliminary pages (Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Vol.2 (No. 2), 2003
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2003)Front cover & preliminary pages, Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Vol.2 (Issue 2), 2003 -
Front cover & preliminary pages (Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Vol.3 (No. 1), 2004)
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2004)Front cover & preliminary pages, Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Vol.3 (Issue 1), 2004 -
Front cover & preliminary pages (Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Vol.3 (No. 2), 2004
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2004)Front cover & preliminary pages, Journal of Irish Urban Studies, Vol.3 (Issue 1), 2004 -
High development land prices and the realities of urban property markets
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2003)The current debate about high development land prices should end with a solution to a problem that has dogged this country since the introduction of rural planning in the 196Os. Then, as now, the spectacular transfer of ... -
Introduction of waste charges and public resistance
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2004)This paper reviews the potential for problems regarding public acceptability of environmental taxes. It examines the issue through a case study of the municipal waste charge protests in Ireland in 2003 and 2004. The example ... -
Local Authority perceptions of housing associations
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2003)In contrast to the situation in the UK, Irish housing associations remain dependent on the local authorities for access to funding and sites. As a result of their dual role as enablers and direct providers of social housing, ... -
Local development issues on the urban periphery: Tallaght from the bottom-up
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2002)The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of aspects of urban social change by orientating the analysis around a grassroots-level focus . Specifically, bottom-up experiences of and responses to some of ... -
Participation at the periphery: community participation in reformed local government structures
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2002)This paper briefly examines the current local government structures in Ireland and, in particular, the role and experience of the newly established structures in Fingal County Council and Dublin Corporation. The example ... -
Planning and the environment
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2004)This paper discusses the relationship between planning, sustainable development and the environment in Ireland. The paper firstly explores the development of planning as a Concept. It then sets out the key 'actors' in Irish ... -
Planning in Dublin: goals achieved and opportunities lost
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2004)The title suggests that this paper might produce a form of balance sheet with a list of 'Goals Achieved ' on one side and 'Opportunities Lost' on the other and the summing up of both lists would indicate whether the operation ... -
Planning suburbia: development density issues
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2002)The right of speculative developers and government officials to significantly modify the culture of its poorest and weakest citizens in order to amortise the land banks and squeeze an already overdeveloped city into its ... -
Policy and practice in tenant participation: empowering tenants?
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2002)This article presents the initial results of research into tenant participation across a number of different urban local authorities. Following this introduction, which sets out the context and background. the second ... -
Scenario planning, an evolution of practice
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2002)Scenario Planning is fast becoming one of the most popular and persuasive tcchniques, used in strategic planning and foresighting cxercises of all kinds in both public and private sectors, It is likely that the approach ... -
Spatial restructuring and commuting efficiency in Dublin
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2004)Within cities, transportation systems are a vital socio-economic component of society, providing a link between the spatial separations of various land uses in the built environment. As land uses evolve, the geography of ... -
Strategic environmental assessment of the Docklands master plan
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2004)Directive 2001142/EC of the European Parliament and Council on Strategic Environmental Assessment or SEA, which entered into force on 21 July 2001 , requires Member States to assess the likely significant environmental ... -
Supply constraints and serviced land development supply in the Dublin region: a review of the projections and recommendations of Bacon III
(Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Trinity College Dublin, & the Faculty of the Built Environment, Dublin Institute of Technology. Bolton Street, 2003)This papers examines the supply constraints and serviced land development supply in the Dublin region in the light of the projections and recommendations of the Bacon III report and makes further recommendations.