Appointment of charity organization committee
'Appointment of charity organization committee'. - Dublin: Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland,Vol. VI, Part XLVIII, 1874/1875, pp502Download Item:
At the December meeting of the Council of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, it was resolved to appoint a committee to consider and make suggestions upon the subject of charity organization. (1) To collect further information as to the working of charity organization in London, New York, Elberfeld, and other places. (2) To collect information as to the working of charities in Dublin, and to suggest the branches of charity organization that could be best undertaken by charitable bodies in Dublin. (3) To collect, through existing charitable organizations, information
as to the causes of pauperism, and to suggest means by which such information may be more completely and systematically collected.
Twenty eighth session ? 1874/1875
Author: SSISI
Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of IrelandType of material:
Journal articleCollections
Series/Report no:
Journal of The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of IrelandVol. VI, Part XLVIII, 1874/1875, pp502
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