Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Review of the Rialto Community Health Project
The Rialto Community Health Project was established in 2003, as part of the Social Regeneration Plan (Whyte, 2005) with support from the HSE Health Promotion Department and Combat Poverty Agency ‘Building Healthy Communities’ ...
Confused about theoretical sampling? Engaging theoretical sampling in diverse grounded theory studies
Theoretical sampling is a key procedure for theory building in the grounded theory method. Confusion about how to employ theoretical sampling in grounded theory can exist among researchers who use or who want to use the ...
Measuring Successes of Social Prescribing
Social prescribing is a referral mechanism which connects people to non-medical, community and social based activities, which aim to empower an individual to take control of and manage their health and wellbeing (Husk et ...
Cost-effectiveness of an occupational therapy-led self-management support programme for multimorbidity in primary care
Multimorbidity is a major public health concern. Complex interventions, incorporating individualized care plans, may be appropriate for patients with multimorbidity given their individualized and variable ...