The need for instruction on the duty of the individual to the community
Brown, Sparkhall. 'The need for instruction on the duty of the individual to the community'. - Dublin: Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland,Vol. XIV No. 5, 1927/1928, pp1-16Download Item:
The historian, who is in the happy position of being wise after the event, can generally put his finger on the particular
internal change or changes which led to the collapse of the
various ancient communities, and, with equally belated wisdom,
can perhaps even indicate by what measures the evil could have
been averted if taken in time. He may ascribe the breakdown
to a change in the social habits or in the moral standpoint of
the people, to which the government and other national institutions
were not sufficiently elastic to respond, or to ill-considered,
inexpedient changes in the form of government, or
in the organisation of industry with which the political or industrial
development of the people could not keep pace. With
such enquiries as these we are here not concerned, at least
it is not proposed to deal with them in this paper. What does
concern us is to observe that, as all civilisations depend for
their continued existence on the continuance of conditions
which enable men to live and work together, a civilisation is
doomed when the relations between the individuals and the
community, that is, between the parts and the whole, cease to
be a harmony and become a discord.
Read before the Society an Thursday, December 1st, 1927
Author: Brown, Sparkhall
Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of IrelandType of material:
Journal articleCollections
Series/Report no:
Journal of The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of IrelandVol. XIV No. 5 1927/1928
Full text availableKeywords:
Social duty, Industrial civilisationISSN:
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