Realising Adaptive Web Services through Automated Policy Refinement
Carey, Kevin and Wade, Vincent `Realising Adaptive Web services through Automated Policy Refinement? in 10th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, 2007 (IM '07), Munich Germany, 21st - 25th May, Ehab Al-Shaer, Heinz-Gerd Hegering, Alexander Keller, pp 725-728Download Item:
Traditionally policy based management systems have
relied on 'engineered' policy refinement to decompose high level
policies down to low level policies for implementation 111121. Such
management systems typically rely on a policy designer ensuring
that a high level policy creates the necessary invocations or events
to trigger the correct low level policies (and their
implementation). The difficulty with this approach is that human
error in the policy design can lead to feature interaction
problems, conflicts and errors 131, 141. This refinement problem is
a key challenge for policy based management to be adopted
widely within service management (voted #1 key challenge at
Policy 2005 panel session).
In this paper we concentrate on policy based management of web
services, where the web services have adaptive behaviors. The
paper proposes the design, implementation and evaluation of a
suite of policy development tools which (i) facilitate the
specification of adaptive web services (which are to be managed
by a policy based system) using finite state machines to describe
the permitted adaptive behaviors, (ii) supports the specification
of supportable (functionally correct) high level management
policies, the automated refinement of these high level policies and
the auto-generation of enforceable (low level) policies. The paper
also presents an evaluation of the systems with particular
reference to the usability of the proposed solution. The paper also
provides a brief presentation of related research in policy
refinement and distinguishes the proposed approach from
published work. Finally the paper concludes by drawing initial
findings and identifies future work.
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10th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, 2007. IM '07Publisher:
IEEEType of material:
Conference PaperCollections
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