Administrative Staff Authors (Scholarly Publications)
Recent Submissions
The interdisciplinary development of a Feedback Literacy e-Learning Module for undergraduate Healthcare Students.
(2024)Central to the supervision and education of all health and social care professional students is the provision and receipt of feedback. Students learn within clinical environments and clinical environments serve as unique ... -
Proper Pricing
(The Telegraph, 2024)If you’ve ever been stung with an expensive flight at Christmas or an overpriced hotel in August, you’ll know full well how costs can fluctuate throughout the year when it comes to travel spending. However, following ... -
Comparing self-report medication data from a longitudinal study on intellectual disability and national dispensing records
(2024)Background: Medication data are a valuable resource in epidemiological studies. As the most common data collection method of medication data is self-report, it is important to understand the accuracy of this in comparison ... -
An umbrella review of pharmacist prescribing: stakeholders' views and impact on patient outcomes
(2024)Introduction: There is great geographical diversity in the degree of prescribing rights pharmacists have. In some countries such as the United Kingdom (UK), pharmacists have unrestricted prescribing rights following ... -
Young People's Experience of Foster Placement Breakdown: A Briefing Note
(2015)This research study was undertaken by Sinead Tobin, BSS, NQSW, MScASR, as part of the degree of Masters in Applied Social Research, Trinity College Dublin. The specific topic of placement breakdown was chosen, as, from ... -
Investigation to evaluate the development of dental students' feedback literacy in the dental science undergraduate curriculum
(2024)Background: The evidence underpinning Health Professional Sciences education in FBL is sparse. A novel, evidence-based eLearning module was designed by a multidisciplinary team of HP to increase student’s agency and active ... -
Beyond Creating Collections: A Scoping Review of 3D Heritage Storytelling
(2024)This paper aims to demonstrate how virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 3D archaeological reconstructions have been employed to immerse viewers into historical places with the inclusion or exclusion of digital ... -
Putting a New `Spin' on Energy Information: Measuring the Impact of Reframing Energy Efficiency Information on Tumble Dryer Choices in a Multi-country Experiment
(2024)It has been shown that consumers often underinvest in energy efficiency despite net benefits over the longer term. One possible explanation is that they do not properly understand energy information when provided in physical ... -
Looking beyond time preference: Testing potential causes of low willingness to pay for fuel economy improvements
(2023)Time preferences are considered a leading cause of the energy efficiency gap. We test two cognition-based mechanisms (concentration bias and underestimation bias) which are distinct from time preferences but can produce ... -
Test 2 TARA Dspace 6.4
(2024) -
The Ethical Principles in Ethical Guidance Documents during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland: A Qualitative Systematic Review
(2024)Background: The sudden onset of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic was accompanied by a myriad of ethical issues that prompted the issuing of various ethical guidance documents for health care professionals ... -
Solving the Starry Symbols of Sargon II
(2024)The city of Khorsabad (ancient Dūr-Šarrukīn), the newly built capital of Sargon II of Assyria, contained multiple instances of a sequence of five images or symbols (lion, bird, bull, tree, plow) which also appeared shortened ... -
Dysphagia Prevalence in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
(2024)The objective of this systematic review was to determine the prevalence of dysphagia and aspiration in people with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). A search of six electronic databases was performed from inception to ... -
The implications of translator celebrity: Investigating the commercial impact of Haruki Murakami’s fame as a translator
(Leuven University Press, 2024)In Japan, there exists a rather unusual phenomenon that can be defined as “translator celebrity,” in which translators are treated in much the same way as celebrities in other domains (Akashi 2018a). As in the case of ... -
The First Public Murder in the Tanzimat Era: Life, Trial and Execution of Emine Hanim
(2023)In 1860, Emine Hanım killed her husband Ferik İbrahim Pasha. In this article, I use her murder trial to examine the interrelation between slavery, the private lives of the Ottoman ruling class, and the complexities of the ... -
What an OER journey!
(2023) -
Council of Europe Resolution on the Implementation of Pharmaceutical Care—A Step Forward in Enhancing the Appropriate Use of Medicines and Patient-Centred Care
(2024)Pharmaceutical care was proposed to address morbidity and mortality associated with medicine-related problems. It utilises the pharmacist’s expertise in medicines, their relationship with the patient and cooperation with ...