On the relation between the material welfare and moral training of the industrious classes
Walsh, Richard Hussey. 'On the relation between the material welfare and moral training of the industrious classes'. - Dublin: Transactions of the Dublin Statistical Society, Vol II Session 4, 1849/1851, pp.1-10Download Item:
We live in an age of industrial progress; improvements
and inventions in the different arts and sciences, have furnished
unprecedented facilities for the production of luxuries and comforts
of every kind. Yet side by side with that brilliant picture
exists a mass of pauperism, and of persons verging on it, presenting
a most unhappy spectacle?rendered still more remarkable by
the contrast it affords to the surrounding affluence.
This prospect has naturally excited the attention of many, and
various explanations of the phenomenon and remedies for the
evil have been proposed.
Read January 20th 1851
Author: Walsh, Richard Hussey
Dublin Statistical SocietyType of material:
Journal articleCollections
Series/Report no:
Transactions of the Dublin Statistical SocietyVol. II 1849-1851
Full text availableKeywords:
Education, Working classes, WelfareISSN:
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