Browsing Statistics (Scholarly Publications) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 88
Adaptive utility and trial aversion
(Elsevier, 2011)Decision making with adaptive utility provides a generalisation to classical Bayesian decision theory, allowing the creation of a normative theory for decision selection when preferences are initially uncertain. In this ... -
An Ameliorated Improvement Factor Model for Imperfect Maintenance and Its Goodness of Fit
(2017)Maintenance actions can be classified, according to their efficiency, into three categories: perfect maintenance, imperfect maintenance, and minimal maintenance. To date, the literature on imperfect maintenance is voluminous, ... -
Automatic Discovery and Geotagging of Objects from Street View Imagery
(2018)Many applications, such as autonomous navigation, urban planning, and asset monitoring, rely on the availability of accurate information about objects and their geolocations. In this paper, we propose the automatic detection ... -
A Bayesian approach to modeling mortgage default and prepayment
(2019)In this paper we present a Bayesian competing risk proportional hazards model to describe mortgage defaults and prepayments. We develop Bayesian inference for the model using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Implementation ... -
Bayesian Calibration of a Natural History Model with Application to a Population Model for Colorectal Cancer
(2011)Background. Cancer natural history models are essential when evaluating screening/preventative interventions or changes to diagnostic pathways. Natural history models commonly use a state transition structure, but it is ... -
Bayesian factor analysis using Gaussian mixture sources, with applicatin to separation of the cosmic microwave background
(2010)In this paper a fully Bayesian factor analysis model is developed that assumes a very general model for each factor, namely the Gaussian mixture. We discuss the cases where factors are both independent and dependent. ... -
Bayesian inference for double Pareto lognormal queues
(2010)In this article we describe a method for carrying out Bayesian inference for the double Pareto lognormal (dPlN) distribution which has recently been proposed as a model for heavy-tailed phenomena. We apply our approach ... -
Bayesian inference for reliability of systems and networks using the survival signature
(2014)The concept of survival signature has recently been introduced as an alternative to the signature for reliability quantifcation of systems. While these two concepts are closely related for systems consisting of a single ... -
Bayesian kernel projections for classification of high dimensional data
(2011)A Bayesian multi-category kernel classification method is proposed. The algorithm performs the classification of the projections of the data to the principal axes of the feature space. The advantage of this approach is ... -
A Bayesian method for automatic landmark detection in segmented images
(2005)The identification of landmark points of a figure in an image plays an important role in many statistical shape analysis techniques. In certain contexts, manual landmark detection is an impractical task and an ... -
Bayesian spatiotemporal model of fMRI data using transfer functions
(2010)This research describes a new Bayesian spatiotemporal model to analyse BOLD fMRI studies. In the temporal dimension, we describe the shape of the hemodynamic response function (HRF) with a transfer function model. In ... -
Best practice models for the career advancement of women in academe
(Trinity College Dublin, 2002) -
A Bivariate Maintenance Policy for Multi-State Repairable Systems with Monotone Process
(2013)In this paper, a sequential failure limit maintenance policy for a repairable system is studied. The system is assumed to have states, including one working state and failure states, and the multiple failure states are ... -
Brain activity detection by estimating the signal-to-noise ratio of fMRI time series using dynamic linear models
(2015)This work shows an example of the application of Bayesian dynamic linear models in fMRI analysis. Estimating the error variances of such a model, we are able to obtain samples from the posterior distribution of the ... -
Calibration of cosmogenic 36Cl production rates from Ca and K spallation in lava flows from Mt. Etna (38?N, Italy) and Payun Matru (36?S, Argentina)
(2011)Published cosmogenic 36Cl production rates from Ca and K spallation differ by almost a factor of 2. In this paper we determine production rates of 36Cl from Ca and K in samples of known age containing little Cl. Ca-rich ... -
A Condition-Based Maintenance Strategy for Heterogeneous Populations
(2014)This paper develops a maintenance strategy, called inspection-replacement policy, to cope with heterogeneous populations. Burn-in is the procedure by which most of the defective products in a heterogeneous population can ... -
Considerations on the UK Re-Arrest Hazard Data Analysis (How Model Selection Can Alter Conclusions for Policy Development)
(2011)The offence risk posed by individuals who are arrested, but where subsequently no charge or caution is administered, has been used as an argument for justifying the retention of such individuals? DNA and identification ... -
Considerations on the UK re-arrest hazard rate analysis
(2011)The offence risk posed by individuals who are arrested, but where subsequently no charge or cau- tion is administered, has been used as an argument for justifying the retention of such individuals? DNA and identification ... -
Continuous-Observation Partially Observable Semi-Markov Decision Processes for Machine Maintenance
(2017)Partially observable semi-Markov decision processes (POSMDPs) provide a rich framework for planning under both state transition uncertainty and observation uncertainty. In this paper, we widen the literature on POSMDP by ...