School of Religion, Theology, and Peace Studies
Recent Submissions
The Laity and the Liturgical Homily. Beyond Theological and Canonical Restrictions to a New Theological Framework for Participation
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Religion. Discipline of Religions and Theology, 2025)Can laypeople preach liturgical homilies? This is the question this thesis sets out to explore in light of the present canonical and theological norms that restrict the practice. A review of the theology of preaching ... -
Pigs and Power: Tracking the Genealogical Evolution of Pigs from Symbols of Fertility to Weapons of Masculine Hegemony in Jewish and Christian Contexts
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Religion. Discipline of Religions and Theology, 2025)This dissertation explores the complex and paradoxical role of pigs in the cultural and religious imaginations of Abrahamic faith groups. It investigates why pigs, despite being a universal symbol of uncleanliness in ... -
Rhetorical agency and the retransmission of presidential rhetoric : Southern Baptist elites and the Global War on Terror
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Confederal School of Religions, Peace Studies and Theology, 2017)The primary function of this dissertation is to examine the process in which political elites that represent constituencies engage with political narratives created in presidential rhetoric and practice rhetorical agency ... -
Veils and scales : the significance of obduracy and obfuscation motifs in the Letters of Paul
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Religions and Theology, 2016)This thesis examines the use of obduracy and obfuscation motifs in Paul’s undisputed letters, in light of and in comparison to their use in biblical and early Jewish literary traditions, using the commonly accepted ... -
Warding off evil : an analysis of apotropaic tradition in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Synoptic Gospels
(Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Department of Religions and Theology, 2016)This thesis is comprised of five chapters which address human responses to personified evil in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the synoptic gospels. One response, exorcism, is prevalent in each of the synoptics and has been given ... -
A Medium of Cultural Critique and a Framework for Interpretation: Religion in Werner Heisenberg's Popular Writings
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Religion. Discipline of Religions and Theology, 2024)In 1969, the physicist Werner Heisenberg published his memoir, titled "The Part and the One: Conversations in the Area of Particle Physics." Up until today, the memoir is Heisenberg's most prominent text addressed to a lay ... -
Aquila's Secunda Editio: Evaluating the Appropriation and Evolution of a Concept
(Peeters, 2023)Scholars have used the concept of a secunda editio (‘second edition’) of Aquila since the eighteenth century to address numerous cruces interpretum of reception history and rabbinic tradition, including Aquila’s relationship ... -
Re-member Theology: A Theopoetical Reading of Three Irish Poets
This dissertation explores the healing possibilities of engaging poetry and theology in Ireland, with broader implications for Western Christianity. It attends to the transformative contributions of three Irish women's ... -
Building Sustainable Peace Through Socio-Economic Cooperation: The Role of the Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund in Peacebuilding on the Korean Peninsula
This research engages with ‘peacebuilding’ as ‘sustainable relationship building’ in the context of fluctuating inter-Korean relations between 1991-2022. Employing Lederach’s notion that sustainable peacebuilding is ... -
Reconceiving Theology after the Anthropological Turn: The Doctrine of God in Friedrich Schleiermacher's "The Christian Faith"
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Religion. Discipline of Religions and Theology, 2023)This study consists of a reconstruction and evaluation of the Doctrine of God in Friedrich Schleiermacher's primary theological work, Der christliche Glaube. The study proceeds by following a method of close reading of ... -
Interpreting in Ireland's Asylum Process
Asylum applicants fleeing persecution and seeking hospitality do not usually speak the language of the host-country. They express themselves through an interpreter, who mediates between asylum applicants and the examining ... -
Cleansing by Water and Spirit in the Dead Sea Scrolls and New Testament
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Religion. Discipline of Religions and Theology, 2022)This thesis seeks to fill a gap in Second Temple scholarship by giving sustained and focused attention to dual cleansing by water and Spirit in the Hebrew Bible, the Scrolls found at Qumran and New Testament literature. ... -
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Religion. Discipline of Religions and Theology, 2022)This thesis reviews and critiques the discourse between Catholicism and organic evolution over a period of one hundred and sixty years, from the first publication of Charles Darwin's famous book, On the Origin of Species ... -
Esther and Her Royal Predecessors
Previous scholarly conversations regarding royal women in the Hebrew Bible (HB) focus solely on the women in the Deuteronomistic History (DH). Yet Queen Esther, one of the fullest portrayals of a royal woman in the HB, is ... -
Towards a Theology of Prison Ministry
The argument being made in this thesis is that Karl Rahner’s views on prison ministry, although valuable and of significance in their context, are not adequate to deal with the more complex needs and demands of prison ... -
A hermeneutical reading of The Universe Story towards the configuration of the human in the text
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Religion. Discipline of Religions and Theology, 2021)This thesis undertakes a hermeneutical reading of The Universe Story through the lens of Paul Ricoeur s narrative hermeneutics, while drawing too on environmental hermeneutics, to determine the configuration of the human ... -
Shahab Ahmed, Before Orthodoxy: The satanic verses in early Islam
(2018)This volume originally aimed at being the first of three volumes concerning the history of Islamic approaches towards the story of the satanic verses (qiṣṣat al-gharānīq); unfortunately, volumes 2 and 3 of this project ... -
Autonomy, Capability, Subsidiarity as Key to a Social Ethics for Sustainability
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Religion. Discipline of Religions and Theology, 2019)This thesis brings Amartya Sen'ss capability approach into dialogue with commitments in theological ethics to the autonomy and dignity of the human person in society, and to the integrity of creation. It applies the ... -
Transformations in 11Q10 and Old Greek Job
(Trinity College Dublin. School of Religion. Discipline of Religions and Theology, 2020)The thesis compares aspects of translation technique of the earliest Aramaic and Greek translations of Job which date from the Second Temple period. While some preliminary studies have noted certain similarities between ...