Browsing Philosophy (Scholarly Publications) by Date of Publication
Now showing items 41-60 of 111
How to Do Things with Things: Brentano s Reism and its Limits.
(de Gruyter, 2015) -
Frege 2.0. Was Frege gesagt hätte, wenn er gewusst hätte, was wir heute wissen (und was er vielleicht hätte sagen sollen).
(Logos, 2015)Der Widerspruch im Herzen des logischen Systems Freges zwingt zu einer Revision seiner Annahmen. Es fragt sich, wie er sein System hätte anders bauen können, wenn er von vorneherein die Gefahr ... -
Mereology and Truth-Making
(2015)M any mereological propositions are true contingently, so we are entitled to ask why they are true. One frequently given type of answer to such questions evokes truth-makers, that is, entities in virtue of whose ... -
Makers and Models: Two Approaches to truth, and their Merger
(de Gruyter, 2015) -
Meaning and Dummett's Austrians
(Palsgrave-Macmillan, 2015) -
Armstrong and Tropes
(de Gruyter, 2016) -
The Ontology and Logic of Higher-Order Multitudes
(Oxford University Press, 2016) -
Counteressential Conditionals
(2016) -
Ingarden on Causation
(Peter Lang, 2016) -
Applications of Complex Numbers and Quaternions: Historical Remarks, with a Note on Clifford Algebra
(Oxford University Press, 2016) -
External Relations, Causal Coincidence and Contingency
(Oxford University Press, 2016) -
Varieties of Epistemic Freedom