Browsing Philosophy (Scholarly Publications) by Title
Now showing items 52-71 of 111
Language and Ontological Emergence
(2017) -
Lexicalisation and the Origin of the Human Mind
(2014)This paper will discuss the origin of the human mind, and the qualitative discontinuity between human and animal cognition. We locate the source of this discontinuity within the language faculty, and thus take the origin ... -
Libertatea de exprimare si deplatformarea (Freedom of expression and deplatforming)
(Polirom, 2021)Some complain that either the right to freedom of speech or expression or people’s freedom is being restricted in recent times by calls for no platforming certain individuals. This paper aims to argue that such complaints ... -
Locke, Arnauld, and Abstract Ideas
(2019)A great deal of the criticism directed at Locke’s theory of abstract ideas assumes that a Lockean abstract idea is a special kind of idea which by its very nature either represents many diverse particulars or represents ... -
Luck Egalitarianism Without Moral Tyranny
(2022)Luck egalitarians contend that, while each person starts out with a claim to an equal quantity of advantage, she can forfeit this claim by making certain choices. The appeal of luck egalitarianism is that it seems to satisfy ... -
Makers and Models: Two Approaches to truth, and their Merger
(de Gruyter, 2015) -
Matter, God, and Nonsense: Berkeley's Polemic Against the Freethinkers in the Three Dialogues
(Oxford University Press, 2018) -
Meaning and Dummett's Austrians
(Palsgrave-Macmillan, 2015) -
Media and their Emergence: the Ontology
(Oxford University Press, 2015) -
Mereological Idealism
(Oxford University Press, 2017) -
Mereology and Truth-Making
(2015)M any mereological propositions are true contingently, so we are entitled to ask why they are true. One frequently given type of answer to such questions evokes truth-makers, that is, entities in virtue of whose ... -
Metaphysical Necessity Dualism
(2018)A popular response to the Exclusion Argument for physicalism maintains that mental events depend on their physical bases in such a way that the causation of a physical effect by a mental event and its physical base needn’t ... -
Metaphysics in Analytic Philosophy
(Oxford University Press, 2013) -
Moralised Definitions of Freedom, Autonomy, and the Personal Value of Opportunities to Perform Morally Impermissible Actions
(2021)Are the opportunities to perform morally impermissible actions valuable? And, if so, has their value any role to play in normative arguments? In this essay I examine the personal value of opportunities to perform morally ... -
Naturalism, Functionalism and Chance: Not a Best Fit for the Humean
(Oxford University Press, 2023)How should we give accounts of scientific modal relations, such as laws and chances? According the Humean, we should do so by reducing these relations to parts of non-modal actuality: typically, patterns in actual events, ... -
Obituary of B. Sharon Byrd